Initiatives IGF Jeunesse intégrées dans les initiatives IGF nationales, sous-régionales et régionales (NRI)

Tanzania Youth IGF

Tanzania Youth IGF was established in 2021. It is a youth-led component of the Tanzania national IGF, aimed at building youth capacity and fostering engagement in the Internet governance space. 

Youth Spanish IGF

As part of the national Spanish IGF, this Youth IGF Initiative aims at creating a multistakeholder platform for youth to cooperate and engage in digital policy processes in the country and beyond.

Bangladesh Youth IGF

Youth Internet Governance Forum (YIGF) Bangladesh is an initiative under the umbrella of Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF). It is a multi-stakeholder, youth-led platform to engage youth in Internet governance-related processes.


Since 2019, SEEDIG runs a multilayered programme for engagement of youth in its processes. This includes a dedicated school on Internet governance for youth hosted in conjunction with the annual meeting and guidance for effective participation in the annual meeting as well as in the intersessional work long-term.