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Youth IGF Initiatives
- Virtual Meeting II: 20 April 2017 -
- The second virtual meeting focused on the Youth IGF Initiatives took place on Thursday, 20 April 2017 at 15:00 p. m. UTC.
- The meeting was hosted by Ms. Anja Gengo from the IGF Secretariat. This Summary Report will reflect the main key points raised during the meeting.
- The agenda is attached to this document as Annex A1 and a list of Meeting Participants as Annex A2. Annex A3 includes a list of other relevant documents, as referenced in this report.
- Participants introduced themselves stating if and how are they affiliated with the NRIs and the related Youth activities. The full list of participants is attached to this report (Annex A1).
- The proposed agenda was fully endorsed and unanimously adopted (Annex A2).
- The Host explained that the purpose of this meeting is to try reaching consensus on developing guidelines for the Youth Initiatives of the IGF, taking into account the previously gathered existing practices on this matter. The participants were reminded that the first virtual meeting showcased the existing practices that were clustered within four models, as explained in the summary report for the first meeting, (Annex A3).
- The Host asked the participants to reconsider if the guidelines should be developed around all four models, with respecting the key IGF principles.
- It was agreed to reflect all four models in one written document. The participants agreed that the structure of the document should be organized in a way that the each model is explained in a light of the key IGF principles followed by a brief reflection on how the process looks like in practice.
- Participants shared some opinions on defining the Youth population within the age framework. After several different experiences were shared, it was agreed that the age criteria is different across countries and regions and it is not possible to come up with a unified solution on this matter.
- It was agreed that appropriate terminology should be developed for all four models, especially because the nature of the Youth Initiatives is different than the national, sub-regional and regional IGF initiates.
- In addition to the above, it was noted that the application of the IGF principles on the organizational work of these Initiatives is different, especially when it comes about the multistakeholder principle, as the Young people do not necessarily belong to and of the standards stakeholder groups, as per the IGF classification.
- The participants shared their experiences on how the main IGF principles are respected within their Youth Initiatives. The main key points are summarized below.
- The German Youth IGF Initiative is open, transparent and inclusive, as every year there is an open call for young people to take participation. Limited number of fellowships is available for the young people to come and attend the event. This Initiative represents a big network of young people, mostly students and apprentices, with different profiles. Members of this Initiative are equal members of the national IGF of Germany Steering Committee, and they form Youth constituency. This initiative has its Organizing Committee that is not a multistakeholder in a traditional sense, but it is diverse in a way that involves young people of all ages, backgrounds, with regional and gender balance. This Initiative stands as an empowerment structure where Youth decides what and how it will be discussed.
- From the Youth IGF Movement, it was said that the organizational process is available on the website and all related social network accounts. The application process is fully open. During the 2016 year, the project encompassed 15 countries, where several focused meetings were organized. This Movement has many followers on social networks. Young people from various countries choose the relevant discussion topics through a poll. The essence of the meetings is for the young people to gather to exchange views on certain topics as well as to meet and speak to various stakeholders. The format and length of these meetings is different. The Movement connects young people from targeted countries under one joint meeting to discuss chosen issues, all in accordance with the IGF principles.
- The national IGF of Sri Lanka is in a process of organizing the Youth IGF initiative in this year, during the national IGF annual meeting. As it is challenging to organize a Youth Initiative that will be of a multistakeholder nature, they have tried to adjust this principle in a way that the multistakeholder community as the audience, listens to the perspectives of the Young people on the issues of relevance for the Youth. These perspectives will be presented in a written policy paper.
- The Youth Asia Pacific IGF Initiative is open to everyone and transparent as everything is available on the website. It was initiated in a bottom up manner, by young people, through the Net Mission Ambassadors. The organization of this Initiative is facilitated by the regional Asia Pacific IGF. It was noted that the integration segment is in particularly important, as the Youth is being integrated into the APrIGF programme, in the organization of workshops or as speakers in some sessions. The Youth attends the meetings of the multistakeholder APrIGF Steering Committee and contributes to shaping the programme agenda.
- The Youth Coalition on Internet Governance (YCIG) noted that they gather many young people that are contributing to the Internet Governance processes. The underway activities are available at the YCIG website (e.g. development of the Charter), with an open invitation to everyone to contribute.
- The Nigeria IGF pointed that the capacity building projects for young people are very important. Their respective Initiative is focused on educating young people what is the Internet Governance as a process, after what they are given opportunity to learn about that process in practice, by attending and participating at their annual IGF meeting.
- It was noted that many of the NRIs are organizing individual tracks for the Youth, where some have form of schools, academies etc. A special focus was given to some individual cases that have organized the educational tracks dedicated to children. Some participants suggested having these formations included in the guidelines.
- It was agreed that the IGF Secretariat develops potential alternative guidelines for each four mapped models, and share it with the wider NRIs network as subject for public consultations. The goal would be reaching the consensus among the NRIs network and formatting the alternatives into unique written set of guidelines. For this purpose, the work methodology will include consulting inputs from two meetings, annual reports of mapped Initiatives, as well as individual interviews where needed.
- It was mentioned that the IGFSA could explore opportunities for supporting these Initiatives, after guidelines are developed.
Next Steps
- The Secretariat will summarize the key suggestions raised during two meetings and will distribute the meeting summary through the NRIs mailing list.
- Taking the inputs from the two virtual meetings, annual reports submitted by the Initiatives and individual interviews where needed, the Secretariat will propose some alternatives for guidelines, and ask the NRIs to comment within a reasonable time framework.
- Next meeting: The Secretariat will consult the NRIs for planning the next meeting.
- For any suggestions or questions regarding the Report, kindly contact the Secretariat at:
Annex A1
List of participants (in alphabetical order):
- Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Chad IGF
- Ali Hussain, Pakistan in-formation IGF
- Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat
- Fotjon Kosta, in-formation IGF of Albania
- Imran Ahmed Shah, Pakistan Youth Initiative
- Irvin Meza, observer from Ecuador
- John Tucker, observer
- Khouloud Dawahi, observer from Tunisia
- Lianna Galstyan, Armenia IGF and SEEDIG
- Lorena Jaume Palasi, German IGF
- Louise Marie Hurel, Youth Observatory, Brazil
- Maheeshwara Kirindigoda, Sri Lanka IGF
- Marilyn Cade, IGFSA, IGF-USA
- Mary Uduma, Nigeria IGF and West Africa IGF
- Michael Oghia, SEEDIG and EuroDIG community, YCIG
- Yulia Morenets, Together Against Cybercrime /Youth IGF Movement
Annex A2
Meeting Agenda
- Welcome and introductions
- Reviewing the four mapped models
- Inputs on how to develop guidelines (content and format)
- Setting up deadlines
- AoB
Annex A3
List of shared inputs
- Summary Report of the First IGF NRIs Meeting on the Youth IGF initiatives - Four mapped models of Youth Initiatives
- Youth Coalition on Internet Governance