IGF 2021 received Day 0 Events proposals

Below is the list of Day 0 Event proposals, received in a response to the IGF 2021 call for sessions. These proposals were cleared against the basic entry criteria of the IGF and are currently under detailed evaluation for possible inclusion in the IGF 2021 programme. It is expected that the final list of all accepted sessions will be announced shortly after the 2nd IGF 2021 Open Consultations and MAG Meeting, 22-23 and 30 June.
ID Organization Title Note

Elisabeth Schauermann, German Informatics Society, Civil Society, WEOG
Anthony Wong, IFIP, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific
Javier Osorio Acosta, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, WEOG

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #2 IFIP 60th Anniversary: Future of Information Processing

Roxana Radu, Graduate Institute Geneva, Academia, Western Europe;

Ioana Stupariu, Central European University, Academia, Eastern Europe; 

Alison Gillwald, Research ICT Africa and University of Cape Town, civil society and academia, Africa; 

Dmitry Epstein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, academia, Middle East; 

Elinor Carmi, LIverpool University, academia, Western Europe;

Courtney Radsch, Commitee to Protect Journalists, civil society, United States

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #3 GigaNet Annual Symposium 2021

Alejandra Prieto, Senior Manager of Fellowships at the Internet Society 

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #11 Internet Society’s Collaborative Leadership Exchange

University College London - Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)
Siddhant Chatterjee, University College London (UCL), Academic

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #14 Exploring Co-Regulatory Mechanisms on Platform Governance in the Indian Policy Context

Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, safety and security
DC-ISSS chairs and coordinators: Ms. Janice Richardson, Insight SA, civil society, Australia Mr. Raymond Mamattah, EGIGFA, education, Nigeria Ms. Mallory Knodel, Center for Democracy & Technology, civil society, United States Mr. Yurii Kargapolov, Ukrainian Numbering, Naming and Addressing Operation Center, technical community, Ukraine Mr. Wout de Natris, Coordinator DC-ISSS, Private sector, The Netherlands Mr. Mark Carvell, senior policy advisor DC-ISSS, private sector, United Kingdom Mr. Savyo Vinicius de Morais, Instituto Federal de Educação, academia/technical community, Brazil Ms. Yung-Chi Chen, assistant research fellow, academia, Asia Pacific region

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #15 Closing the gap between the theory of digital security and the practice of insecurity

Research Program on Digital Constitutionalism, Institute for Internet & the Just Society, Berlin (Civil Society).

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #17 Constitutionalising the Digital Frontier: Past, Present, and Future

Rocío de la Fuente, LACTLD, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

Paula Oteguy, LACNIC, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

Kevon Swift, LACNIC, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

Carolina Aguerre, Center for the Study of Technology and Society (CETyS), Academia, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #18 IGF LAC Space

Xianhong Hu, UNESCO, Intergovernmental Institution

Karen Landa, UNESCO, Intergovernmental Institution

Co-organizers:  Information for All  Programme (IFAP), German Commission for UNESCO, Council of Europe, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Association of Progressive Communications, The Internet Society, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), CETIC.br, Missions  Publiques, Global Network Initiative (GNI), Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD). 

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #21 Advancing  Internet Universality ROAM  principles  and  Indicators (IUIs) for the Internet United 

Dafna Feinholz, Chief of Section, Bioethics and Ethics of Science Section, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #26 Ensuring Diversity in the AI World

Microsoft and NetMission
Jacqueline Beauchere, Microsoft, Private Sector, North America Jenna Fung, NetMission, Civil Society, Asia Jim Prendergast, The Galway Strategy Group, Private Sector, North America Janice Richardson, Expert to the Council of Europe (EMEA), Director/International Advisor at Insight SA., Civil Society, Western Europe Larry Magid, ConnectSafely.org, Media, North America

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #33 Youth Perspectives on Digital Civility

Korea Internet & Security Agency(KISA)
SHI YOUNG CHANG, Deputy General Researcher, Korea Internet & Security Agency(KISA) / .KR ccTLD registry Leonid Todorov, GM, Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association(APTLD)

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #37 APAC Collaborative Governance for Better Connectivity

Organizer 1: Anastasiya Kazakova, Senior Public Affairs Manager, Kaspersky (Eastern European Group)
Organizer 2: Pierre Delcher, Senior Security Researcher, Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT), Kaspersky (Western European Group)
Organizer 3: Vladimir Radunović, Director, E-diplomacy and Cybersecurity Programmes, DiploFoundation (Eastern European Group)

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #41 Cyber Stability Games: Learning the Complexities of Technical Attribution
45 IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #45 Digital identity for gender equality and data justice - collection of practices for policy making and practice

GEODE - Kaspersky - CIGREF
• Arnaud Coustillière (private sector, Western European Group) • Clara Morlière, Cigref (private sector, Western European Group) • Anastasiya Kazakova, Kaspersky (private sector, Eastern European Group) • Aude Géry, GEODE (civil society, Western European Group) • Andreas Kuehn, ORF America (civil society, North American Group)

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #47 Bringing practical tools to the global community to secure ICT supply chains

<A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms:  GRULAC: Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Tecnológico de Monterrey;   ASEAN: Chulalongkorn University; MENA: Jordan Open Source Association; WEOG: Women At The Table; Africa: IPAR

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #48 <A Global tour of Feminist AI> Who is coding it and deploying it?

Rwenzo Green Associates Ltd.

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #50 Internet Governance Challenges in Crisis Periods; Covid 19

ECHAlliance – European Connected Health Alliance:

  • Carina Dantas
  • Karolina Mackiewicz
  • Natalia Allegretti
IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #52 Are we shaping the digital market to all citizens?

Costanza Matteuzzi Law Firm
Giovanni Caria https://centurialabs.org/ (cyber security expert) Costanza Matteuzzi law firm (lawyer) William Nonnis (full stack & blockchain developer for Italian Ministry of Defence) Piera Di Stefano (lawyer)

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #56 Biotechnolgy and cybersecurty. The post-pandemic cooperation.

Luca Belli, FGV, Academia, Brazil; Adam Burns, Free2Air, Technical Community, Germany; Alek Tarkowski, Open Future, Poland

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #58 Internet Commons Forum

Emerging Youth Initiative
Henna Zamurd-Butt, Goldsmiths, University of London, Academia, Europe. Hewing Dorvelus, University of the People / ISOC Haiti, Academia, ALAC

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #59 Our Internet Voices: Designing Inclusive Spaces

Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong - IFocus Ambassdor Alumni

CHEUNG Chun Xin Jayson, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

NG Justin Ming Yin, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

CHENG, Yee Him, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

TSUI, Wai Him, Nicodemus, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

LEUNG Huen Hei, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

LEE Tsz Ho, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

CHAU Tsz Chun Anthony, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

CHUI Chun Ho, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

YEUNG Hoi Ching, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, civil society, Asia Pacific Region

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #61 Technological assistance emphasis on teenagers during the pandemic — is it fair to distribute resources in such a way?

Just Net Coalition
Just Net Coalition, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific

(Members include Lara Merling, International Trade Confederation Union, Civil Society, Western Europe and others;Neth Dano, ETC Group, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific; Chee Yokeling, Third World Network Asia-Pacific; Susana Barria, People’s Health Movement, Civil Society, Western Europe; Gita Sen, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific)

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #64 Digital policy making from below -- Ask the impacted sectors first

Polylateral Association - Civil Society

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #66 Polylateralism and Geneva: how communities shape Internet Governance

Internet Governance Caucus
Bruna Martins dos Santos, co-coordinator Internet Governance Caucus, Civil Society, GRULAC Sheetal Kumar, co-coordinator Internet Governance Caucus, Civil Society, WEOG

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #68 Civil Society Pre-event: Internet Governance in times of Crisis

Technical Community, WEOG David Huberman, ICANN Technical Engagement Manager, Technical Community, WEOG Vera Major, ICANN Government and IGO Engagement Manager, WEOG

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #72 Youth IGF: Tutorial on the DNS Root

Data Privacy Brasil Research Association
Rafael Zanatta Data Privacy Brasil Research Association Civil Society Latin America

Bruna Santos Data Privacy Brasil Research Association Civil Society Latin America

Helena Secaf Data Privacy Brasil Research Association Civil Society Latin America

Jaqueline Trevisan Pigatto Data Privacy Brasil Research Association Civil Society Latin America

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #77 The Rising of Techno Authoritarianism: when the employment of technology is an enablers of Human Rights Abuses

Africa ICT Alliance
Jimson Olufuye, AfICTA, Private Sector, Africa Ulandi Exner, AfICTA, Private Sector, Africa Thabo Mashegoane, AfICTA, Private Sector, Africa

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #83 AfICTA - Driving the Digital Potential of Africa

Missions Publiques
Benoît Verhulst, Antoine Vergne, Maike Brakhan

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #84 Internet governance, with and for the citizens

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
Moderator/speaker – Tymon Zieliński, IO PAN. Group moderators: Lidia Stępińska-Ustasiak, UKE, Marcin Wichorowski, IO PAN, Tomasz Kijewski, IO PAN, Paulina Pakszys, IO PAN, Aleksandra Koroza, IO PAN, Katarzyna Romancewicz, IO PAN, Jan Sobieszczanski, Storware, Izabela Kotyńska-Zielińska, Today We Have.

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #87 Ocean of Changes

This session is organised by the Wish Will Way Foundation in cooperation with the You are Your profile Foundation and Digital Rights House Foundation. More on information on the organizers:





IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #88 You are Your profile (YaYp) - (not only) youth workshop
  • Chancellery of the Prime Minister (KPRM),
  • DG CONNECT, European Commission,
  • Digital Economy Lab, University of Warsaw,
  • NASK National Research Institute,
  • Working group DLT/blockchain KPRM

Session coordinator: Piotr Rutkowski, NASK PIB, KPRM 

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #89 How to govern decentralized digital public goods? Blockchains between innovation and regulation

Centre for International Relations

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #90 AI in the public service: combating disinformation and fighting with the pandemic.

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #91 Making smart cities happen – navigating through the web of paradoxes

Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #92 In the search of a golden mean – different perspectives on the regulation of digital markets

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is a highly specialized and elite military unit, subordinated to the Ministry of National Defense, responsible for key areas related to IT, cryptology and cyber security.

A comprehensive approach to cyber security issues requires a constant cooperation of  ICT and crypto security experts with hardware and software acquisition specialists as well as the assembling (set-up) and maintenance of military networks and systems.

Other NCSC tasks are as follows:

  • research, design, construction, implementation, protection and useof national cryptological technologies;
  • manufacturing new product for the state by combining scientific and industrial potential in the field of advanced information and cryptographic technologies;
  • implementation of cryptology tasks commissioned by other state bodies or public administration, through the Ministry of National Defense.

NCSC is also responsible for numerous activities: educational, implementation, research and development (R&D) and also opinion-making ones.

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #96 Internet in 10 years from now – where is it going? Let’s check together!

The National Centre for Research and Development
Przemysław Kurczewski, Deputy Director of the National Centre for Research and Development Marcin Bochenek, Director of Communication and Strategic Marketing Department, the National Centre for Research and Development Monika Ciślak, Coordinator, Communication and Strategic Marketing Department, the National Centre for Research and Development

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #97 Digital future? Perspectives for Poland in the international context

The Kosciuszko Institute Association
The format is organized by the Kosciuszko Institute, representatives include:

Michał Rekowski - Programme and Research Director, the Kosciuszko Institute; Ewelina Kasprzyk - Project Manager and Researcher, the Kosciuszko Institute; Maciej Góra - Project Coordinator, the Kosciuszko Institute

Other representatives of the Institute might also be engaged in the session.

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #98 Global Alliance for a Values-Based Digital World

The Kosciuszko Institute Association
The format will be organized by the Kosciuszko Institute, representatives include:

Michał Rekowski - Programme and Research Director, the Kosciuszko Institute; Ewelina Kasprzyk - Project Manager and Researcher, the Kosciuszko Institute; Maciej Góra - Project Coordinator, the Kosciuszko Institute

Other representatives of the Institute might be engaged as well.

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #99 Global Road(s) to Digital Sovereignty

Academy of Justice
Stakeholder: Academy of Justice Moderator: Prof. Janusz Tanaś, ACU, Melbourne, Australia; Rapporteur: Prof. Maciej Tanaś, Academy of Justice, Poland

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #101 Internet - safety and development of children and young people - educational, social and legal consequences

GovTech Centre - Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #102 Social and ethical perspectives of using Artificial Intelligence

NASK National Research Institute, Poland

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #103 „Cybersecurity and Crisis Management”– combining cyber and kinetic threats. Best practices”

Polish Economic Institute:
Ignacy Święcicki - head of digital economy team PEI

Krystian Łukasik - digital economy team PEI


IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #104 Do we know how much our data is worth?

Polish Confederation Lewiatan
Polish Confederation Lewiatan Siemens Sp. z o.o.

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #105 Business-academia collaboration. New skills gateway and innovation nest

National Institute for Museums and Public Collections
National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
National Museum in Warsaw

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #106 Museums in virtual space - education, dissemination and audiences for museums' online offer

Centre Mixer of Smart Technologies, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz

Center for Ethics of Technology at Humanites Institute





IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #108 Earth Observation satellite data to power digital economy

Council for Dialogue with the Young Generation

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #110 Gaming and e-sport as a new economic branch of Industry 4.0

AI LAW TECH Fundation
Faculty of Applied Mathematics at AGH University of Science and Technology University College London

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #111 Living in the darkness or on a desert? Will new technologies prevent an energy crisis?

Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in Poland (UOKIK):

Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean - Government, Director of International Cooperation Office, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK), Eastern European States;

Piotr Adamczewski - Government - Director of Branch Office in Bydgoszcz, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK), Eastern European States;

Jacek Marczak - Government - Deputy Director of Branch Office in Bydgoszcz, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK), Eastern European States;

Natasza Skrzek - Government, Chief Expert, International Cooperation Office, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKIK), Eastern European States.

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #112 Digitalisation through the use of artificial intelligence in public administration

Legalengineering The Scientific Coalition
Prof. Mariusz Załucki, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University/the Virtual Ethics and Law Chair, scientist and lawyer, Poland; Prof. Dariusz Szostek, University o Silesia/the Virtual Ethics and Law Chair, scientist and lawyer, Poland; dr Gabriela Bar, University o Silesia, scientist and lawyer, Poland; Rafał Prabucki, University o Silesia, scientist and lawyer, Poland; Jakub Wyczik, University o Silesia, scientist and lawyer, Poland.


IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #113 The Future of the Law of Internet and New Technologies – International Research Group recommendations to the IGF

Ernst & Young
private sector

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #114 Keep Our Children Safe in The Digital World

Samsung Electronics Poland

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #116 Digital wellbeing – a fad or a real need for every generation?

Council for Dialogue with the Young Generation of Poland
Representatives of the counterparts of the Council for Dialogue with the Young Generation of Poland from individual EU countries.

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #118 Freedom of speech on the Internet - what does it mean for young people??

Warsaw University of Technology;
Zbigniew Wawrzyniak; Grzegorz Kasprowicz

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #119 Quantum Technologies in Poland: Quantum infrastructure and Quantum Computing

NASK PIB National Research Institute, Poland
Ilona Urbaniak, Ph.D.
Head of Artificial Intelligence Department, NASK PIB National Research Institute, Poland

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #120 The importance and challenges of medical data privacy protection in the era of fourth industrial revolution


Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #121 Cyber secure cities of the future

IAB Poland
Włodzimierz Schmidt - IAB Poland Magdalena Bublewicz - IAB Poland Katarzyna Łukasik - IAB Poland

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #122 Taxation of the digital economy - current challenges

Youth IGF Poland, Youth Coalition on Internet Governance, ISOC Youth SIG

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #123 Global Youth IGF - Presenting Successful Initiatives

Museum of Communication, Bern, Switzerland 
Embassy of Switzerland in Poland

Titel Image E-Visit and Podium

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #124 Are we all e-wasted? Sustainable Dialogue in the Museum of Communication in Bern. Visit and Podium.

Microsoft  (Ms Weronika Kuna)
UNEP-GRID Warsaw (Ms Maria Andrzejewska)

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #125 Technology at Service of Ecosystem Restoration: How AI can Support Restoring and Protecting Natural Ecosystems Around the Globe.

Copernicus Science Center

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #133 Digital Brain

Kyndryl Poland
Polish Economic Institute

IGF 2021 Day 0 Event #134 Cross-sectoral cooperation for digital inclusion