BPF Cybersecurity (2016)


During the IGF MAG meeting from 4-6 April, there was agreement that a 2016 BPF would be carried out on a cybersecurity related topic/theme, building upon the previous work of the CSIRTS and SPAM BPFs. The MAG meeting also acknowledged that the WSIS +10 review process has produced an outcome document with a strong focus on "building confidence and security in the use of information and communications technologies", making an IGF BPF related to cybersecurity even more relevant. 

Sign-Up to Participate and Contribute on the Mailing List: 


View/Download the Output Document of the 2016 IGF BPF on Cybersecurity: ‘Building Confidence and Security in the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) through Enhanced Cooperation and Collaboration’  

Review and Comment on the 2016 BPF Cybersecurity Final Output Document on the IGF Review Platform.

**List of Contributions: 2016 IGF Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Cybersecurity**

Meeting Summaries:

Virtual Meeting Summary 24 May 2016

Virtual Meeting Summary 14 June 2016

Virtual Meeting Summary 8 July 2016

Virtual Meeting Summary 16 August 2016

Virtual Meeting Summary 19 September 2016

Virtual Meeting Summary 11 October 2016

Virtual Meeting Summary 27 October 2016

Informal Virtual Meeting 17 January 2017

Call for contributions:

All stakeholders were invited to submit written contributions addressing the below questions and issues to the 2016 IGF BPF on Cybersecurity mailing list (subscribe: https://www.intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/bp_cybersec_2016_intgovforum.org). While it was envisioned that initial drafting of the output document will begin on 19 August, this would be considered a soft deadline as contributions will be welcome after the 19th of August, particularly contributions from IGF National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs) and from other relevant entities or organisations who may be holding meetings relating to cybersecurity between the 19th of August and the IGF annual meeting in December. Contributions were then compiled and synthesized by the Secretariat, and further circulated to the community for comment and further work towards an output document for the BPF to be presented at the 11th IGF in Guadalajara, Mexico from 6-9 December.

All individuals and organizations were asked to kindly try to keep their contributions to no more than 2-3 pages, and were encouraged to include URLs/Links to relevant information/examples/best practices as applicable.

Reviewing the outcomes of both the IGF Spam and CSIRT Best Practices Forums over the last two years, there has been an emerging consensus from the community that the 2016 cyber security BPF might most benefit from addressing cooperation and collaboration between stakeholder groups as a topic. The community has expressed that all stakeholdersmay benefit from having a multi-stakeholder discussion, including each of the major IGF stakeholder groups, on how to engage and communicate with each other on cyber security issues. There is also a feeling that this would be uniquely fit for an IGF BPF. There is also emerging agreement that the BPF for 2016 should not be seen in isolation, but should rather be seen in a long-term perspective and that capacity building would be an integral component for the work. End users, law enforcement agencies, policymakers, and all of the other range of actors involved in cyber security, can be reached out to and involved in the work. National and Regional IGF initiatives (NRIs)s may also wish to play an important role in feeding their discussions into the work, and vice versa.


●      What are the typical roles and responsibilities of your/each of the stakeholder groups in making the internet a secure and safe place for people to socialize and conduct business?

●      What are some of the typical communication mechanisms between stakeholder groups to discuss cyber security related concerns?

●      How can cybersecurity cooperation and collaboration be enhanced particularly in developing and least developed countries?

●      What are some common problem areas that stakeholders encounter when trying to enhance cooperation and collaboration?

●      What are some notable existing best practices and examples of successful collaboration and cooperation amongst stakeholders and specific actors that have helped improve cybersecurity?

●      What are some examples of best practices in ‘Cyber security Situational Awareness’ where different organizations have worked together, specifically with law enforcement agencies and other specialists?

●      What are other related or different topics that your organization would like this BPF to address moving forward, both in 2016 and beyond?



[1] See 2016 IGF BPF on Cybersecurity Virtual Coordination Meeting Reports: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/best-practice-forums/bpf-cybersecurity