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IGF 2017 WS #201
State-led interference in encrypted systems: a public debate on different policy approaches

    Short Title
    State-led interference in encrypted systems
    Proposer's Name: Mr. Carlos Alberto Afonso
    Proposer's Organization: Instituto Nupef
    Co-Proposer's Name: Mr. Hartmut Glaser
    Co-Proposer's Organization:
    Mr., Carlos, AFONSO,Civil Society, Instituto Nupef Mr. Hartmut, GLASER, Technical Community, Ms. Jamila, VENTURINI,Technical Community, Mr. Diego, CANABARRO, Technical Community,

    Moderators – 5 min to welcome participants and explain rules

    Two presentations on the topic discussed in the workshop – 10 min each

    Multistakeholder roundtable of invited specialists ([8] selected participants) + audience raise questions based on the speakers’ presentations:

    - 3 10 min rounds of Q&A invited specialists: 3 questions per round (2min each) + answers from each speaker (2 min each).

    - 3 10 min rounds of Q&A general audience: 3 questions per round (2min each) + answers from each speaker (2 min each)

    Moderators – 5 min to summarize discussions and close the session.