IGF 2020 Pre-Event #42 Stakeholder Balance: Do we need factored balance, factored differently between one Governance topic and another?

IGF 2020 Pre-Event #42 Stakeholder Balance: Do we need factored balance, factored differently between one Governance topic and another?

    Monday, 2nd November, 2020 (06:00 UTC) - Monday, 2nd November, 2020 (07:30 UTC)
    Room 3
    About this Session
    This would be an exploratory discussion, but could possibly gain clarity from the session in a virtual round table format

    Internet Society India Chennai



    In Internet Governance, Stakeholder balance has always been conceptually thought of and championed as uniform stakeholder balance, be it in policies and programs related to Privacy, Security, Trust, Capacity Building etc. The stakeholders experienced certain difficulties in reaching the required level of understanding concerning stakeholder balance, for instance, in the area of Security, as Security has some sort of essential affinity with Secrecy. Likewise, it might be conceptually unnecessary to include a proportionate number of business stakeholders in the area of Capacity Building. The question placed on the table is: Do we need an unvarying proportion of a standard mix of stakeholders for every policy area? Is it wise to suit the stakeholder balance for exceptional policy areas? For instance, more than proportionate participants from the Academic Community in matters related to Capacity Building or more than proportionate Government stakeholder participation in matters related to Security? These are the questions, the Day0 event is proposed to place these questions for perspectives, with a view to get past hitherto inevitable hurdles to the progress of the multistakeholder model, and to ensure a fair balance of stakeholders in overall Internet Governance, which might also pave way for stakeholders to embrace the multi-stakeholder process in Business and Government.


    How to join our session

    Please click on the link on the right "add this to my schedule" after which the IGF will send the zoom link.  Thank you.