IGF 2020 WS #11 The spread of fakes as a real security threat


    Organizer 1: Malkevich Alexander, NGO “Foundation for National Values Protection”

    Speaker 1: Malkevich Alexander, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 2: Youdina Irina, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 3: Mamzorkina Natalia, Civil Society, Eastern European Group

    Malkevich Alexander, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Online Moderator
    Malkevich Alexander, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Malkevich Alexander, Civil Society, Eastern European Group

    Round Table - Circle - 60 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    Trust, Media and DemocracyTopics: disinformation, misinformation, “fake news”, terrorist violent and extremist content (TVEC), deep fakes, hate speech, freedom of expression, democracy, election interference, hacking, platformsExample: The proliferation of disinformation and misinformation (e.g. “fake news” and deep fakes) poses threats to the integrity of journalism and the decisions that people make based on that information. How can technology play a role in tackling them and restoring trust?

    We need to demand the management of large social networks and new media to publish the clear stop lists (WE WANT TO KNOW ALL THE WORDS FOR USING OF WHICH WE CAN BE BANNED!) and, in general, put an end to politically engaged censorship ontheworld'sleadingsocialmediaplatforms. It is necessary to adopt legal acts that will legislatively limit the use of censorship on social media. And do not forget about the importance of public controlandself-regulationinthenewmedia


    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals


    The topic of fighting the spread of false information that can cause serious public upheaval is of great importance and has already shown its relevance around the world since the beginning of 2020. Laws on countering the spread of "fake news" have been adopted in many countries around the world. Despite the different focus, all of them, in one way or another, are aimed at countering the undermining of national, socio-political and economic interests of States. Discussion of international experience and legislation in the fight against the spread of fake information will allow the participants of the round table to learn from the positive experience by discussing measures to combat the spread of false information and develop effective tools for self-regulation of information sources in the Network and making legislative public initiatives.

    Expected Outcomes

    The need to create uniform rules for users of social networks around the world, violation of which entails censorship, deletion of accounts. The development of uniform rules for social network users around the world will avoid the policy of "double standards". Modern practice shows that the attitude to blocking information in different countries has a different approach. It is necessary to introduce mechanisms for self-regulation of social networks, so that they themselves filter prohibited information, since the complete blocking of pages and deleting posts in social networks is still considered an "unnecessarily harsh measure". We are not talking about any prohibitions, we are talking about the need to introduce self-regulation mechanisms so that fake information can be filtered without any restrictions until it becomes dangerous

    no need

    Relevance to Internet Governance: The need to create uniform rules for users of social networks around the world, violation of which entails censorship, deletion of accounts. The development of uniform rules for social network users around the world will avoid the policy of "double standards". Modern practice shows that the attitude to blocking information in different countries has a different approach. It is necessary to introduce mechanisms for self-regulation of social networks, so that they themselves filter prohibited information, since the complete blocking of pages and deleting posts in social networks is still considered an "unnecessarily harsh measure". We are not talking about any prohibitions, we are talking about the need to introduce self-regulation mechanisms so that fake information can be filtered without any restrictions until it becomes dangerous

    Relevance to Theme: The need to create uniform rules for users of social networks around the world, violation of which entails censorship, deletion of accounts. The development of uniform rules for social network users around the world will avoid the policy of "double standards". Modern practice shows that the attitude to blocking information in different countries has a different approach. It is necessary to introduce mechanisms for self-regulation of social networks, so that they themselves filter prohibited information, since the complete blocking of pages and deleting posts in social networks is still considered an "unnecessarily harsh measure". We are not talking about any prohibitions, we are talking about the need to introduce self-regulation mechanisms so that fake information can be filtered without any restrictions until it becomes dangerous

    Online Participation


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