IGF 2020 WS #311 Promote accessibility for a more inclusive Internet


    Organizer 1: Adolfo Cuevas Teja, Federal Telecommunications Institute
    Organizer 2: Juan Carlos Hernandez Wocker , Federal Telecommunications Institute
    Organizer 3: Victor Manuel Martinez Vanegas, Federal Telecommunications Institute
    Organizer 4: Ferrer Edna, Federal Telecommunications Institute

    Speaker 1: Adolfo Cuevas Teja, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 2: Muhammad Shabbir, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 3: Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Intergovernmental Organization, Eastern European Group

    Juan Carlos Hernandez Wocker , Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Online Moderator
    Victor Manuel Martinez Vanegas, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Ferrer Edna, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

    Break-out Group Discussions - Round Tables - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    3) Accessibility & Policy for Social Inclusion How to empower people with disabilities and make the information and communication technologies accessible for all?

    The aim of this workshop is to address different aspects of promoting that telecommunications and ICT services are accessible, as well as the challenges that still remain to achieve this access. Therefore, it seeks to address issues from the development of public policies to technical issues of devices functionality and the dissemination and training of people with disabilities, in order to strengthen a digital environment and that, through ICT, they can have favorable access for them to carry out their usual and future activities, autonomously, safely, freely and reliably.


    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
    GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals


    The rights of people with disabilities to access information and communication technologies (ICT) and telecommunications, as well as the obligation of governments to guarantee it, is internationally recognized by organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the International Telecommunications Union(ITU) through various resolutions they have issued. However, there is still much to be done to ensure access for people with disabilities to telecommunications and ICT. Therefore, it is considered of great importance to carry out a workshop in how to tackle the challenges to allow accessibility of these services. This workshop aims to discuss, contribute ideas, as well as best practices and experiences on the following topics: - Public policies that promote access to telecommunications/ICT for people with disabilities. - Inclusive platforms - Accessibility guidelines. - Accessible formats. - Accessibility functionality in terminal devices. - Dissemination of information that allows them to know and enforce their rights, in addition to taking advantage of the use of ICT and telecommunications. - Challenges and recommendations to guarantee access for people with disabilities to telecommunications and ICT.

    Expected Outcomes

    With this workshop, it is expected to identify and share experiences and best practices regarding public policies uses for empowered users with disabilities and make the information and communication technologies accessible for all. Additionally, as result of this workshop, in addition to promoting dialogue, it seeks to have a series of recommendations to promote the guarantee of Access to telecommunications and ICT services for people with disabilities.

    a. Explain how the session organizers plan to facilitate and encourage interaction and participation during the session The session will consist in the following: • Welcome and opening comments by onsite moderator – 5 min. • One round of questions to speaker: 4 min max. to speaker - 20 min in total. • Lightening talks from existing Initiatives in each/all of the four “C’s” – 4 Minutes each speaker/strictly enforced by session Moderator. • Break out working sessions, with 1-2 experts for each group – this is the “participation segment” for the workshop and is intent to engage all participants in the room - 30 minutes. a. Each breakout will have one or more “experts” drawn from the lightening speakers and other experts, plus one rapporteur. b. Remote moderators will be assigned for each breakout, who will use chat to keep remote participants aware of the discussion in the small group and report on any comments and questions during the workout session. c. The breakout/working session segment is focus on developing concrete draft recommendations. • A final segment of the workshop will present the recommendations - 4 minutes per breakout group: total time - 20 minutes. • Moderated Q&A with the audience and online participants - 10 minutes. • Summarizing comments and closing remarks by session moderator – 5 minutes. Other Tools * b. The IGF provides access and support for remote participants through an Official Online Participation Platform will be also made available closer to the Annual Meeting. Are you planning to use other complementary tools/platforms to increase participation and interaction during the session?

    Relevance to Internet Governance: The access is a priority topic in Internet governance, since it seeks to make the Internet accessible to all, that is, how universal accessibility can be reached with a feasible connectivity infrastructure, leaving aside social exclusions based on factors such as formation, language economy, gender inequality, disability, among others. Therefore, accessibility for people with disabilities is a highly relevant issue for inclusion and, consequently, for Internet governance, since multiple stakeholders are involved, from governments, academia, industry and civil society.

    Relevance to Theme: This workshop will provide elements for the construction of strategies focused on promoting Internet access for people with disabilities, thereby making the Internet more inclusive and providing the opportunity for people with the ability to participate in the digital economy and be part of taking decision.

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool.