IGF 2021 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting Agenda


First Open Consultations and Multistakeholder Advisory Group Meeting (MAG)

22 - 24 February 2021. To be held virtually.


Day 1: 22 February, Open consultation, 09:00-11:15 and 11:45-13:45 and 14:00-16:00 - meeting duration 6 h 45 min including breaks

Day 2: 23 February, MAG meeting, 10:30-12:30 and 13:00-15:00 - meeting duration 4 h 30 min including break

Day 3: 24 February, MAG meeting, 09:00-11:15 and 12:15-14:30 - meeting duration 5h 30 min including break




Day 1: 22 February 2021 - Open Consultation and MAG Meeting 

Time in UTC

Agenda Item

09:00 - 09:45

  1. Opening statements and adoption of the agenda
    1. Message from UN DESA
    2. Welcome by MAG Chair
    3. Welcome by MAG Host country Co-chair 2021
    4. Presentation and update from IGF 2021 host country
    5. Adoption of the agenda

09:45 - 11:15

  1. IGF 2020 stock taking and considerations for 2021
    1. Overview of the IGF2020 stock taking process (5 min)
    2. Report on the 9th February Open Consultation on IGF 2020 stocktaking  and presentation of key points to consider in 2021 (10 min)
    3. Feedback from the IGF community on IGF improvements
    4. Discussion on the IGF 2021 process, annual meeting and intersessional work




  1. Issues and themes for IGF2021
  1. The idea of a more focused IGF 
  2. IGF Secretariat’s summary of inputs received to the open call for issues
  3. A multi-year approach to IGF issues and themes
  4. Discussion in groups* on issues, themes and policy questions IGF2021 can focus on (1 hour)
  5. Reports from breakout groups* followed by discussion

*(See here guidelines for breakout groups)


  1. The IGF 2021 process and timeline
    1. Annual meeting 
    2. Intersessional work




Meet with Ms. Maria Francesca Spatolisano, the Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs  and Officer in Charge of the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology


OPEN CONSULTATION ON THE PROPOSED MULTI-STAKEHOLDER HIGH-LEVEL BODY - (para 93(a) of the Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation)


Online social event hosted by the Government of Switzerland and the IGF 2021 MAG Working Group on Hybrid Meetings, supported by DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform

[Click here to access the platform] 
See also guidelines on how to navigate the paltform via Chrome and Firefox.

Day 2: 23 February 2021 - MAG Meeting (open to observers)

Meeting outputs:

  • IGF intersessional work in 2021: BPFs and Policy Networks
  • Review and approve recommendations from MAG Working Groups 2020 and approve activity plans for 2021 MAG Working Groups
  • Finalise IGF2021 focus and theme
  • Overall programme structure and flow
  • Types and Number of sessions

Time in UTC

Agenda Item


  1. Opening of the MAG meeting
    1. Remarks from UN DESA
    2. Remarks from host-country chair
    3. Remarks from MAG chair and review of the agenda and meeting goals


  1. Shaping the IGF2021 programme - discussions in groups
    1. Event format and flow
      • How can the IGF retain its open and bottom-up character while also being more focused?
    2. Type and number of sessions
  •  How to approach types of sessions, e.g. intro/closing sessions, workshops and open forums, main sessions and what could be the total number of sessions?
  1. Session proposal and selection criteria and process
    • Timetable and process for calling for proposals and how to approach selection of sessions.

12:30 - 13:00



  1. Shaping the IGF2021 programme  continued
    1. Reports from group discussions
  1. *Other factors to consider
    1. Youth engagement
    2. Engaging parliamentarians
    3. Strategies for collaboration and complementarity across intersessional work


  1. Recap of input on issues/themes from the open consultation
    1. Capturing consensus if possible on IGF2021 main issues and themes
    2. Next steps
  1. Recap of overall programme structure and flow
    1. Capturing consensus if possible
    2. Next steps

Day 3: 24 February MAG Meeting (open to observers)

Time in UTC

Agenda item  

09:00 - 09:10

  1. Review of the agenda and meeting goals

09:15 - 11:15

  1. BPFs and Policy Networks
    1. Final approval
    2. Strategic workplan including cooperation with other processes
  2. Annual workplan of DCs
  3. Collaboration with the NRIs in 2021

11:15 - 12:15





  1. MAG Working Groups
    1. Reports and recommendations from 2020 MAG Working Groups
    2. Forming  the IGF 2021 Working Groups
    3. Discussion and next steps


  1. Meeting closure and evaluation
    1. Closing remarks from host-country chair
    2. Closing remarks from MAG chair
    3. Evaluation (online poll)