IGF 2021 Networking Sessions

Below is the list of accepted IGF 2021Networking Sessions, following the clearance process of all received proposals.

Networking sessions are interactive gatherings of stakeholders interested in a same or similar issue on Internet ‎governance. Their open (in the case of face-to-face events - open-seating) formats are spontaneous ‎and can serve as icebreaker, prompting quicker ways for people to get to know each other. ‎Networking sessions are also a suitable session type for social gatherings, or for gatherings of people ‎and organisations from a particular region, stakeholder group, or area of activity.‎

Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety (DC-ISSS) Supporting the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security an Safety
IGF Support Associations (IGFSA) IGFSA General Assembly
European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) European Stakeholder Dialogue
Open Internet for Democracy Initiative Connecting Democracy and Internet Governance Advocates
CNRS Centre Internet et Société, Internet Governance and regulation research group Networking session: Researching Internet Governance
EUI School of Transnational Governance

Global PeaceTech: how can good governance help societies avoid risks and exploit the potential of digital technologies?