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Kaspersky will present concrete best practices, how a private cybersecurity company can contribute to the IGF 2021 emerging and cross-cutting issue area ‘Trust, security, stability’.
1) Cyber Capacity Building Program: training on product security evaluation for greater security and cyber-resilience of the ICT ecosystem for government organizations, academia, and companies. Provided online and offline, the Program helps develop practical tools and skills against ICT supply chain risks. Further information: www.kaspersky.com/capacity-building.
2) Global Transparency Initiative (GTI): www.kaspersky.com/transparency-center. Today’s global digital transformation of our economies and societies requires trusted cybersecurity solutions to ensure security and safety. Trust relies on transparency, verification and accountability – users need to have the possibility to understand what is actually happening with the technology they use, and with their data. Kaspersky GTI, therefore, offers a number of actionable and concrete steps to enhance transparency and accountability for trustworthy cybersecurity solutions.
3) Ethical principles in Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure: As mentioned in the description of the IGF issue area ‘Trust, security and stability’, collaboration is needed to build awareness of vulnerabilities and increase resilience. At Kaspersky, we adhere to ethical principles in Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure (RVD) to provide greater transparency on vulnerability handling: media.kasperskydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/92/2020/05/15091233/RVD-Ethical-Principles-EN.pdf
4) Human Augmentation: Human augmentation – the field that focuses on creating cognitive and physical improvements as an integral part of the human body – is one of the most significant technology trends today. However, amid all the excitement and innovation surrounding human augmentation there are legitimate fears among cybersecurity experts and the wider community that too little attention is paid to the important aspect of how the cybersecurity of human augmentation can be designed. There is also a lack of awareness, and this can create risks in the use of human augmentation. Kaspersky is currently developing an augmentation cybersecurity policy, and wants to discuss the idea with the global community.
5) Engagement against gender-based cyber violence: tackling stalkerware
In recent years Kaspersky has been actively working with partners to end the use of stalkerware. In 2019, the Company created a special alert that notifies users if stalkerware is installed on their phones. Following that, Kaspersky became one of the ten founding members of the Coalition Against Stalkerware. We have also developed an open-source tool to facilitate detection of stalkerware by victim support organizations, called TinyCheck. Please find here the current report: The State of Stalkerware 2020: securelist.com/the-state-of-stalkerware-in-2020/100875
6) Cyber diplomacy activities to ensure open, stable and secure cyberspace: we support intergovernmental negotiations taking place within the UN, and particularly support the implementation of norms, confidence-building measures (CBMs), and capacity building efforts through multi-stakeholder engagement.
Contribution to the IGF 2021 issue-driven approach and SDGs:
The booth covers in particular the IGF 2021 emerging and cross-cutting issue area: Trust, security, stability. At the booth the visitors will get the chance to receive information about different initiatives and activities and discuss their aims, and about possible future activities and how they – the visitors – might contribute to and/or may benefit from these initiatives. The following policy questions mentioned in the IGF description of this issue area are discussed:
• Cybersecurity practices and mechanisms: What are good cybersecurity practices and international mechanisms already exist?
• Ensuring a safe digital space: How should governments, internet businesses and other stakeholders protect citizens – including vulnerable citizens – against online exploitation and abuse?
• Roles and responsibilities in protecting against cyberattacks: Which stakeholders are responsible for protecting national governments, businesses and citizens against cyberattacks?
In addition to that, the booth covers six of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
• GOAL 4: Quality Education
• Goal 5: Gender Equality
• GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
• GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
• Goal 10: Reduce Inequalities
• GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals