IGF 2021 Village Booth #54
Human Constanta

The booth will be dedicated to the state of the internet freedom in Belarus and Eurasian region. We will organize thematic meetings with representatives of NGO's around the region to share their experience and their assesment of the situation in the respected countries related to the internet governance, digital freedoms and human rights online. It will bring the opportunity for networking and building ties between experts in the region and those who are interested in information and insights from the field. Topics for thematic meetings may include the following: - internet shutdowns and interference with the networks in the region - Censorship online, content blocking, takedown practice in the region - Responsibility of private sector for defending and promoting internet freedom - Data protection legislation and practice in the region - National and regional initiatives on internet governance (IGFs) At the booth there will be opportunity to read recent reports on the theme, find brochures and other materials related to the topic.