IGF 2023 - Day 3 - Open Forum #67 Internet Data Governance and Trust in Nigeria - RAW

The following are the outputs of the captioning taken during an IGF intervention. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.



  >> MODERATOR: Good morning good afternoon good evening.  We have the Nigeria open forum supply side session on data governance and trust.  I.  Hand the mic over to the chairperson.  And we have the privilege and honour of having dished Senate committee chair and ICT and sabre security Senator introduce yourself and allow the speaks to introduce themselves.

     >> I would like to join you as well to welcome everybody physically and online.  The Nigeria open forum on IGF KYOTO.  I'm the Chairman of the Nigeria Senate committee on ICT and cybersecurity.  I'm not just clare, an active practitioner so I'm here about both passing a legislator and practitioner.

     So today, we will be looking at data governor governance and trust.  We have a march that will do justice to the topic.  People from private sect and regulatory organizations as well as also from the legislator.  Let me ask the lead discussants and panelists to introduce.  And wele with start the ball rolling.  Start from Dr..

     Y great welcome.  I'm Bernard, the acting director of E government and regulation agent at the national technology regulatory agency.  Thank you.  Moderator -- thank you, moderator and good afternoon or good morning to everyone watching.  I'm from the nigerian communications commission.  Tank you.

     >> Began, everybody.  My name is honourable (?) also a member for Nigeria national assembly and Chairman of ICT and cyber security.

     >> (Speaking nonEnglish) that is saying welcome to everyone in Japanese.  Welcome.  I'm -- I have the privilege of being the chair of the advisory council of the Africa ICT which is made up of 40 countries, private sector, partitioner in the IT industry and principle consultant at contemporary consulting based in Nigeria.  Welcome, everybody.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you and talking about being contemporary we need to have a balanced mix and therefore I have online Nnenna.  On line partition IXPs.  We can't talk about Internet without having the panel on the Internet.  Nnenna introduce yourself.

     >> NNENNA.: I hope you can hear and see me.  Bon your from -- I come from the Internet.  Happy to be here.

     >> Without much ado and throughout the programme we will have the presenter who is going to do justice for 10 minutes and then we will have the panelists make the interventions very few minutes to have time for the audience.  At this point in recognise that part of the crew for the programme we have the on line moderator is the acting president Internet society.

     You have ten minutes to lead us on the data governance and trust.  Your time starts counting now.

     >> Thank you very much.  I hope I can give you ten minutes.  A lot spoken about data governance and trust.  For us now we are going to try to mirror the perspective the Nigeria and the journey we have taken and where we hope to navigate so in the next few years.

     In discussion on data governance and trust gearia we have two consider Nigeria.  The monetization of data has given the need for countries to and at the same time prodata subjects.  However, in the last few years this issue has continued to be even more complex because we are seeing discovers of new data sources.  Across multiple legal jurisdictions.

     The regulates have to be aware of the change in dynamic and more importantly the fact that data has become highly sought after commodity means that more and more capabilities for its reuse by parties.

     So these are some of the challenges that regulatory authorities are dealing.  And as I said at the beginning critical focus here is how to create the balance between value and protection of the data subjects.

     Along the line of the challenges I mentioned earlier on, of course, is the issue of broad sets -- a broad set of data governance structures that recognise the increasing die dynamics of data itself.  A few years ago or a decade or so ago, it was common for us to focus on particular recognised structured set of data.  That is not the case today.  We are also seeing data that is increasingly being integrated.  So it a mix of structure and structured data.

     While we continue to discover data sources.  Okay.

     So that calls for a lots of new needs for infrastructure.  Storage.  There is also the challenge of filtering good data from bad data from the last few years we have also seen the occurrence of fake news injure all of these are challenges for regulatory organizations.  However in the midst of this there are lots of opportunities for all all stakeholders.  The key is a healthy balance from the communication of data and the protection, the right.  And that is essentially the fine line that the regulatory agencies in Nigeria are interested in and ensure to give ample opportunities for -- for stakeholders private sector and other interest groups to use data to grow their economy.

     So what you have seen in terms of data governance moves towards regulatory and market facing.  Recognise that yes, innovation has to -- both sides.  Onlied said of regulation.  Just as we expect this regulations to also is to get innovation in the market.

     Right.  Andee newt new product and new provisions for new services.

     Importantly, in the mix of all of this, is for regulations to create avenues forprivate sector to -- invest in new digital infrastructures.  And data itself is one muched infrastructures and that is the focus of the governance processes that -- that regulatory organizations are focusing on.  And lastly, the idea is to ensure that data can be usinged effectively as one of the Sustainable Development Goal.  In Nigeria we have taken very Congress Crete steps beQuinning with the creation of the education organization for data protection and passage of a bill from that -- promotes the protection of data subjects and their privacy and provides clear instruments.  And services and platforms before the he is sun started we were having an interaction with colleagues from Ghanand from Kenya who spoke very favourabley about the Nigeria code of practice.  And that is an example of how can enhance trust and play by the rules of the game.  Clearout somes and beep gins with building -- begins with building strong knowledge base for practicionerses as well as users of data.  Creating necessary and forward-looking policies that catalyse investments and development from the use of data for as a resource for development.  Around infrastructure and platforms that allow for the use of data and extend the open governance and open data as long as it is areas -- these are areas that data governance approach is seek together achieve.  Of course, I talked about -- sack together achieve.  I talked about the infrastructure and the needs to allow governance to enhance innovation.

       Allowed innovation ecosystems for tap on the potentials created by data to create the new product and services in the economy.  Lastly, provide support in trade from innovations.  In conclusion, I hope I'm in the ten minutes mark.  In conclusion key to enhancing the use of data is the need for us to strengthen the capacity of various actors in the -- in the system.  Right?  Continue to create awareness across use ers and promote engagement across government and user communities who stands to benefit from data.  An example is such organizations lake the national bureau of statistics in Nigeria and the population commission.

     So the availability as to be followed up about effective engagements and building capacity across layers of governments from national to sub national.  Thank you very much.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you so much.  You are free to clap, by the way.  Thank you so much, Dr. O -- we used to have a data rule and now we have an act established a national data protection commission including the conduct meaning that we now have legal framework.  One thing is to have a legal framework.  One thing to have a legal framework from the selfie perfect Civil Society what more do we need to do to enLance trans pair Rentzcy in times of data.  The citizen right of consent.  Do you think what we is sufficient now or what are the new elements we need to introduce to ensure that the data collection and acquisition frommed Civil Society perspective is repeated.  You have two minutes from now.  Nnenna.

     >> NNENNA: Okay.

     >> MODERATOR: Did you get the question?

     >> NED ENNA: It is reining heraged sound is Lou be please go ahead.

     >> MODERATOR: Spoken expert tensively from the framework put in place by the Nigeria government and the establishment of the commission at the Code of Conduct and a number of issues.

     But from the citizen and Civil Society perspective what more to you think we need to do to enhance transparency and accountability in data acquisition including the right of citizen to decline or consent?

     >> IN EENNA: This is a nigerian forum and were it not that this was an international forum I would switch to (?) but I will switch to proper English for accountability purposes.  I love the presentation because it look the angle of regulation that encourages innovation because in most cases, when we talk about regulation we are talking about imposing the law.  We are talking with stifling.  We are talking about fining people and caring them away.  What wear parents do at home.  Don't do this and don't do that.

     What we should be doing, no one tells us.  I love what we are doing because we are looking at regularration for innovation.  That is my first submission.  As nigerians you you think we are big and all of that.  In data governor fans it is in the creating and reusing of data that value is added not in the population of the country.  Okay?  So I really want to put that across.  It is spot in up to say we are over 200 whatever million.  That doesn't make economic sense.  Economic sense is when the dollars come in.  So one is creation for regulating for in flow vation.  Value in the data itself for poverty reduction and development and for wealth creation.  That is what is of importance it me.  Governance cannot happen in a silo.  We nigerians.  I don't thinked data governance will far exceed the general governance in Nigeria.  We have senators and governors and people of authority in this room.  My feeling is that the data governance is Nigeria no not super seeded general government in terms of the social, political, situation in Nigeria.

     Now, flows forked flows and I want to put some energy on in.  As sit citizens, which data do we have access to?  Which data are we creating?  Which data is being valued?  I mean I'm from -- I support (?) but then the much of data I would create would be on the European champions league or the English league because that is where much of the talk is going.  Earlier in week I was talking about data as in travel.  There are luck hubs and important things and the -- hubs an important things and are we creating and evilling the data that would be use -- availinged data that would be use for value purposes.  I know I only have two minutes.  I will end with data balance.  We talked about trust.  Interest having that continued discussion.  I'm happy that at least Nigeria has a framework and agency and we know the who and what and how and why.  Congratulations to Nigeria.  Now the continued dialogue among partners, sit dens and private sector is whatle create intrusted.  We are knot there yesterday but we are in the right direction and I'm happy that we are having this conversation to bring us together.  But I hope that after that we can continue conversation at home so that we operationalize what we have and make it better.  And data for us for me as a citizen is for me to feel safe and also for me to make money and be a better Nigerian.  I will stop.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you.  You can give (?) if you Lake.


     >> MODERATOR: One thing she said that came strongly through for me is how do we drive value from data?  And when it comes to economic engagement, the private sector is best suited to pursue that.  You have been from the space for quite some time and you are in the private sector.  What are the opportunities and how will the private sector tap the opportunities to of digital data intoyen and into dollars.Y money is important.  Creation of wealth and boost in income and GDP is key.  I will be speaking from the private sector per spect E. spective and I would like to do a little introduction.  How this IGF came about for many that are listening to us.  A may not know much about IGF itself.

     IGF is one of the two tracts of activities from the agenda of the World Summit of information society in 2005.  Internet Governance.  And it was really that all stakeholders would be involved this.  All stakeholders.Ed government and private sector and civil sew atie.  We have (?) for Africa.  Nation Africa the alliance.  The vision is to fulfil the promise of the digital age for everybody in Africa through advocacy and relating with governments like egift and Nigeria, very proactive in that regard.  So so from the private seconder perspective there is a lot of value to be derived from data.  And when you talk about data, talking about the Internet.  The Internet is quite high and we commend the government for putting proactive policy framework in place and, of course, the acts for Internet governorrance ands as was mentioned.  We can really achieve a lot with this framework in place.  Not too long ago I did research for an international organization and that used a the data available.  Open data.  World Bank open data.  We also used data from SEC available on the website.  Nigeria belong to the open government partnership.  Data need to be Rae leased and made available.  Data, you get more worth.  I saw on social media said in 2023 Nigeria has become poorer than it was in 1980.  I look at the data and say it is not true because in 1980, the per capita was just $800.  And 2023, our GDP per capita is times three of that.  $2,500 around Nigeria number one economy in Africa and that is because reare a which is economy and can the impact of Internet in boosting of GDP.  We have not got into optimal position because that should be in the range of $1.5 trillions.  So data has a lot of value to add.  And again, commend the government with the structure in place.  Through N. say measure an item of that act and that talks to localization of data.  That enKajs the building much proper data centres.  We do consultation for want to build a data centre we do that.  Cyber security and we do that as well.

     >> MODERATOR: I will charge you for advance.

     >> Okay.  These ared benefit.  You said I should about bring the value to I'm talking about the value.  We is company like conga.  This a cross border data and cross border data it is important that we look at it and the government need to look at that and then put in framework to ensure that if there arish slews with data, Ann from say from Gana, in Kenya, we can resolve the issue.  Especially for regard to prosecution.  Okay?  To enforcement.  And then world banks all and then we have banks all very R. oh Africa.  So we haved framework.  So these are international values that we can also create.  And, of course, we have the CCTLD which (?).  That's need needs to be signed.  We are looking forward too that and with that many of your banks, the CCTLD.  The country top level domain in Nigeria.  We are making progress.  No doubt about that.  Okay.

     And it kneads to be sustained.  That is why I appreciate the org nicer of the event to promote progress Nigeria is making and also to see the duties we need to do.  And thank the national assembly for being proactive.  I appreciate you, the -- the ICT to being here.  This is the first time so to have that category here.  I have been involved if IGF is a long while as a private sector entity.  Is it time to look forward to more break through for data governance in Nigeria.

     >> MODERATOR: There is Mongolia fly to be made.  And, of course, particularly because we have large data base now that we need to explore and exploit for financial and also grow the economy.  I will come to you now from NCY.  The data protection commission in place and a number of framework.  Some people were saying it is not about initiatives.  It is about finish-atives.  What do we need to do to enslur that the organizations in the space do to ensure that the implementation and monitoring of all of this framework produce the desired outcomes to we can begin the initiatives.

     >> I hope my two minutes hasn't started.  Thank you very much.  I was going to start on a different note, but I was a little bit interested in what Nnenna was talking about.  A regulator I think it is important that I address it.  I thanked lead presenter for his job.  There is no core correlation between population size and market size.  Telecommunication market rate is defined by the size of the markets.  From Nigeria as far as six months ago we mad over 226 million subscribers.  And talking about data basically what you get on the Internet and we have is 156 nigerians using the Internet.  The -- ranging anything between 12 to 14% every year.

     And then we are also compacting all of the industries like the manufacturing and the financial services.  Growing different markets and generate revenues.  That is not the subject of today.  The subject is more or less to talk about data.  What is data?  There must be clarity.  Data in itself could mean nothing.  But the question would have been metadata.  For us as regulators that is what we are interested in.  Let me define pet that data forum using a lot of applications.  To you are using a mobile phone device.  What are you doing?  Your phone is able to mainstream your phone number, your location, your geophysical.  The steps you tick take and so on and so fork and talk about your health and so on and so forth.  Using the e-mail.  The e-mail is able to profile how you stay on the e-mail.  Highway you respond to e-mail.  Whom you are responding to.  The time it took you to respond.  The messages that you read and that you do not read.  These are metadata.  And somebody somewhere is profile this data in the name of artificial intelligence.  And these are major source of revenues.  You are browsing about going to lodge done or wherever it is.  The moment you click on the Internet your information is getting generate and how it could be true that if you do not click yes you cannot have access to the information.  Metadata is disruptive.  The NDPR the Nigeria response to how this data is being used is very effective and very commendable.  We need to know that the battlefield is not at the national level only.

     Metadata travels with the speed of light.  You can know the source because it comes from the data subjects and that could be as far as you know.  Data transits.  So what -- to what extend and what speed do you travel?  These are very big questions that we answer as regulators.  I will give you an instance.  The NNDPR is localized talking about how you behave in the marketplace in Nigeria to make it a corporate responsible trader.  What do you say to users whose data has travelled as far as to the United States of America or to China all in the name of cookies and stuff like that.  These are source of revenues that never get to be to Nigeria and then we must have to begin to talk about cross-border collaborations.  To understand to what extent data travel.

     And to what extent our information is going to be used to shape the future of man kind.  Talking about artificial intelligence.  Studying how can man behave.  Very fine and good.  But at the very confident level always says that the consumer has the right to choose what information they want to access.  The consumer has the right to give or not give their data and has a right to say I do not want to participate any longer.  Because you have the right to change your mind.  But there is a duty of care on the part of data controls and the data processes and unfortunately from most cases data controllers and the data processers R.ers are outside of our jurisdictions.  In the nut shell assuaging rater what we do is that -- as a regulator we have aflame of innovations and regulations that we use from time to time to ensure that like lawful intercept and land profession and (?) available at the website and you can go there and see.  Robust set regime is security response team that live streams.  Thank you very much.  Already.

     >> MODERATOR: You you better clap for the regulationer because not clapping can be a violation of regulation.  Thank you for that submission.  I am two going to my colleague in the House of Representatives.  Chairman on security.  Your question is very simple.

     Already you made the laws.  National assemble from makes the laws including the one that governs the data profession.  What roles are for national assembly beyond making the laws to make sure that these laws are obeyed not just by individuals but by corporate players in the space?  So, I have online to give us legislation.

     >> Thank you.

















     to enact laws two things we must understand.  What is the -- data is the jewel, not the new oil.  In order for us to do what we do best, we have to promote laws that basically will make data useable and data to promote integrity of the data.  Also, in order for data to be useful it must be consistent and secured.  If you have data for example let's talk about the security aspect of data where our laws must protect.  You also want to make sure that the chain of custody of data is protected in your laws.  You don't want data in the hands of wrong person.  You only give people rights to data that they need.  Not indefinite access to the data.  And make sure that segregation of duty is build in the data structure as well with the laws and there will be clear monitoring and evaluation of all these controls because you build controls to help you achieve these things.

     And the laws must be very clear on how all those things are going to be achieved and there will be very strict.  The law is also going to provide very clear strict rules.  You break these rules, there will be sanctions.

     Stiff sanctions.  For breaking these rules.  All in in all, we have to legislate, understand because data is a moving target.  It is not a static thing.  When you are dealing with historical data it is different historical data is static.  When dealing with financial data or health records or medical records, those are more like they only move.  You have could constantly revamp the laws to deal with the challenges of now.  If son reason new rules that says you only give your DNA structure certain parts of it to to the users for government you only restrict that.  I don't want to go into too much technicalities.  In clear language we have to protect our data to make them useable, flexible, secured, and make sure that this the jewel that we are going to use to for example, we just went through COVID-19.  The amount of data that medical, I mean researchers are going to need from the COVID-19 data.  Have we protected it?  So we are going to have to make sure that we have law place to protect the data to cover the values attached to them.  That is what we are going to doing to make sure that our laws can guide those principle is.  Thank you.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you.   I would like to thank my brother for that interinvestigation.  Okay.  And when talking mentioned cross-border corroborate.  We have internet governance AFRINIC who is from Ghana technically but is actually Nigeria.  He loves nigerians and Ghana.  I also recognise in the house the step dep deputy chief (?) thank you deputy chief for coming here.

     So some 9 Mings left and we need to take interventions from online and mere.  You can't take without the youth.  Your are the president of the Internet the bulk of data generated it from the youth.  We can't talk without the voice of the youth.  For a moment you will transform from being online moderator to the panelist.  And that is the power of the chairman.

     >> All right.

     >> MODERATOR: Can I have the per spective of the youth.

     >> Thank you very much, Mr. Moderator.  I'm excited to be on that call and let me appreciate the honourables who maybe it is a point of duty to be on this call even after their busy schedule and having this kind of discussion.  And that shows that we have a lot to do together.  Back to your question.  In the Internet society we believe that the Internet as it was should be open.  And when I talk about the Internet the network of networks which, of course, is the place where all of these everybody has right to privacy privacy and what data I'm again rating should be my data and nobody should eavet drop on me we using the Internet or my phone.  As a matter of fact, that is something we preach every year.  EnGriggs has to do with okay, end-to-end -- encryption is end-to-end covering of the data in the way that nobody can access your data.  Globe can listen to your data a good example is using WHATSAPM.  The data should be protected.  An for us we leave from what is known as rights to be forgotten.  If I say that, okay, fine.  I have done this online and, of course, I wanted to be' race and should be erased.  Nobody should go back to it and try to trace it.  In as much a as I said that this have been forgetten and should be forgotten.  That is the things that we believe in Internet society and the Internet should be secured and when it is secured that means nobody nobody should have access to my data.  Nobody should have access to my data once it is my data.  That is what we believe in Internet society.  Encryption and price and we believe that, you know D. from privacy and believe that communications should be encrypted end-to-end.  Thank you, Mr. moderator.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you very much.  I can aslur that your conversation with us online.  We encrypted it and I hope you understand.

     >> MODERATOR: Absolutely.  Rule.  Thank you.  Jakarta in the last Udays, the parliamentarians.  Yesterday we met with US and yesterday with European and cross border issues because as Africa we need to approach the issue of data privacy and data governance and which one share what AFRINIC can do not only in this country but across Africa.  The neck startups have operations across African countries.  Thank you niche.  AFRINIC is African network on Internet Governance.  A year and a half old.  We started from July of last year in Malawi when when causing the data governance.  The AUZPF is the overarching let's call it the over arching legislation of framework for the African corn meant.  And if we use the AU DFF we have to break down to the regional levels and see what West Africa is doingnd what and then break it down is the individual countriesy.  We need to be careful not to be caught in the web of check box matrixes because that is what is happening on the African con meant.  Pressure from the European union and America and for our governments to check boxes.  You have data protection legislation that has been passed but not implemented.  There is a difference between passing the legislation and then there is a Wole different ballgame implementing it.  In Ghana we passed the legislation?

     2012.  We passed the data law from 2012.  We have the data protection commission running for over ten years.  If you ask me if I'm Komitas Stepanyan for thible with the implementation --  (?) this year.

















     Egypt has had a data protection commission authority for if four or five years.

     >> MODERATOR: U. you have a law for four or fine years but nothing is set up.  To say that we have legislation but how is the enforcing the digital rates of your citizens is a completely different ballgames.  For us one of the detentions to look at and as members of AFRINIC ensure that ministries make available resources to data protection agencies a an polices and authorities gauss it is extremely important.  I will use the case study of Ghana.  We have done this a bit longer.  The data protection that sits on the innovation industry of communications and digitalizationization and getsity its resources from government.  When the data protection commissioners begin to immost for enforces act on government agencies the funding for those agencies for data protection get reduced because -- there are breaches of sit dens rights and processing data without being properly accredited.  All of this create issues for governments.  The only way the government handles is either cut down the appropriation or bring the same level but as one thing interesting the fund atroppiated.  You will Soo see a huge appropriation but the following year you releasees that only so percent was disbursed to them.  Ghana for example data protection is top notch in the capital cities.  Once you step outside of the capital cities what is members have to put the right so governments realize data protection is fundamental right like the right of monument and free speech and we must enforce the digital rights but putting our money where our mouth is.  Rank you.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you so much.  With the intervention about who has better I have just five minutes left.  Online question.  Okay.  Can we have it briefly?  Thank you very much.  I will go into those questions.  That have been dropped in the chat box and the first one was asked by mow is a.  He asked how -- MUSA MAIGARI.  How can the nie yearia.  I think we will pick out the context.  Led me read.  To contribute in cybersecurity strategy at both the local and a national level.

     >> MODERATOR: Into the data security and --

     >> Absolutely.  Absolutely.

     >> MODERATOR: So is there another question?

     >> From Benjamin asks we are the right of nigerians not protected.  I think he would notes to know about the implementation and enforcement of these rights in Nigeria.  And then a comment cascading high level policies to the level of citizens access.  Understanding impact and ownership remains one of the major Indies to check the practicallability of these measures.  So she is trying to these are the commentsen are online.  One other here from TimmyAmbali.  What is government doing.  A question, not comment.  What is government doing about harmony sizing data to remove duplication.  It has been pending for a long time.  Thank you, Mr. Moderator.  Over to you.

     >> MODERATOR: Thank you so much.  I have five minutes left and because we are talking about compliance here I'm going to be compliance the timing.  I will start with you.  One-run minute to answer the question and then wrap it up.  Okay.  60 seconds start from now.

     >> Great.  So a lot has been said, but to summarize most of the comments that have been made, everybody is talking about how do we enhance -- how do we enhance data protection.  There there is no value from your data, if you cannot derive value in the data you will not see the need to protect is.  How do ensure -- the key question is what kind of data are we talking about and what kind of data can people derive value from.  Governments across Africa and talk about mentioned about five new data sources which can bring need value to our economies if we exploit them right.  Already already social media and big data --

     >> Mobile phone data.  We have very huge people using mobile phones and so on.  That data has very immense economic value, right.  Number three, is scanner data.  Or transaction data.  We are all swipe credit cards and debit cards.  And automatic systems.  Data generated from systems and temperatures.  The military and oriented investigations.  (?) in protection in other as wand even in combat.

     >> MODERATOR: And the last one --

     >> The last one is satellite data.  The data sources can determine how we navigate towards being -- becoming a data hub.  Africa being a data hub and using to to Yo grow the participation of the youthy.

     >> MODERATOR: 60 seconds time from now.

     >> The simple answer is that the international telecommunications union and department and development can help in upskilling women in terms of cyber Kurt.  And now the digital rights.

     Very quickly.  The right to access data.  The right to ratify of error.  The right to decision -- delete your message.  The right to restrict processing and the right to data portability.  The right to withdraw concept and right to object.  Right to be informed the automatic system.  There must be transparency and access to the privacy policy.  And what digital data should be used for and consent.  And now to do justice to this, there are a set of regulatory tools or instruments like the consumer code of practice regulation of NCC22317 and the telephone subscriber data from NCC and a host offer whos.  Thank you very much.  I hope you are able to meet you in --

     >> MODERATOR: Dr. .

     30 seconds.  Request you wrap up your thought for us in 30 seconds.  Already.

     >> Okay.  All this means that we are working on digitation.  Enable AFI.  We (?) is very important.  I need to let us know that private sector does self-control and we know if you can't control anything you can't manage it.  Government need to speed up the issue of compliance, execution and management.  And then as we do all this, we should have the African continent free trade zone?

     Mind because we need to enabling private sector to unleash the potential in the big African market.

     >> Thank you.

     >> And sign and ratify the Malibu convention.

     >> Flange you so much.  The -- you have 30 seconds.  You have see that data have versatility depending on the source of data.  Scrubbing and data staging is parts of the --

     >> MODERATOR: Thank all of the panelists.  And also thank our team from Nigeria including our colleagues from the Nigeria communication commission recognise Madame Internet herself, Mrs. Mary forked wonderful job today.  Until we meet again next time.  Team the flaggifying.  This is Nigeria.  Have a wonderful evening.