IGF 2023 Lightning Talk #151 How deep is your fake: Online Fraud Techniques

    Monday, 9th October, 2023 (09:30 UTC) - Monday, 9th October, 2023 (10:00 UTC)
    SC – Room H

    Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety

    Center for Global IT Cooperation
    Dmitry Gulyaev, The Office of the Youth Digital Ombudsperson, Civil Society, Eastern European Group 


    Timofey V, ANO DIALOG, Civil Society, Eastern European Group

    Onsite Moderator
    Timofey V
    Online Moderator
    Dmitry Gulyaev
    Alla Volodina


    Targets: The fight against disinformation and deepfakes can be related to SDG № 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (in particular 16.3 and 16.10). As this particular SDG aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions. The spread of disinformation through the application of deepfakes technology can undermine trust in institutions and contribute to social and political instability. Therefore, combatting these issues is crucial for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.


    Master class

    Duration (minutes)

    Join us for a session dedicated to the theme of combatting disinformation and deepfakes, as we explore the rapid development of neural network technologies and media generators. The scale of the threat from malicious use of emerging technologies is becoming increasingly obscured, with even the most experienced experts being raddled. It is a moral obligation of the international community to think how our society should react to these threats. Industrial and technological leaps historically have always been followed by new regulations and legislature. So the reasonable question arises, will the development of neural network technologies and deepfakes lead to the emergence of new norms, policies and regulatory frameworks for their use? Should we draw the legal line between the online activities of users and online activities of algorithms? Can our civilization avoid becoming prey of its own inventions?

    The onsite moderator will ensure that the online attendees are continuously connected with the zoom room assigned to the session. Both onsite and online moderators will work together to smoothen communication between participants and the speaker. What is more, all attendees will be able to provide instant feedback during the discussion using such tools as AhaSlides.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    The amount of fake information on the Internet has been growing rapidly since 2021, increasing exponentially. This is certainly due to the growing number of international conflicts.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    There is an increase in the use of deepfake technology, although for now the number of deepfakes used for political purposes is not significant, over time this type of disinformation will pose a serious threat to national security. So there is a need not only for regulatory measure but also actions in the area of fact checking.
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    Timofey V, head of the development department for strategic directions of ANO Dialog, gave a master-class on how to identify and combat different types of fakes on the Web. In particular he emphasised the growing number of deepfakes on the Internet and their danger to the national security of countries.

    Most notably he shared with the audience the product of independent analysis, condected at ANO Dialog, statistics on fakes since 2021, which demonstrated that from 2021 to 2022 number of fake news almost doubled - from 1,725 to 3,995 misinformation topics.

    Timofey V highlighted that in just this year alone 3034 fake topics have already been discovered (data excluding copies and reposts on social networks) and that it is necessary for civil society to coordinate their efforts in fact-checking activities.