IGF 2023 Networking Session #64 Worldwide Web of Youth: Cooperation for Enlightenment

    Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 (02:30 UTC) - Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 (03:30 UTC)
    WS 9 – Room C-2

    Digital Divides & Inclusion
    Digital, Media, and Information Literacy
    Skills Building for Basic and Advanced Technologies (Meaningful Access)

    Center for Global IT Cooperation
    Alina Ustinova, Center for Global IT Cooperation, Civil Society, Eastern European Group Pavel Pozdnyakov, Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Civil Society, Eastern European Group Theorose Elikplim Dzineku, Digispace, Civil Society, African Group


    Milagro Antonia Suira Jimenez, CONEYSO, Civil Society, GRULAC Umirbek Abdullaev, Mountain Hub, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group Shradha Pandey, ISOC, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group Marko Paloski, IGF North Macedonia, Technical Community, Eastern European Group Abraham Selby, ISOC, Technical Community, African Group

    Onsite Moderator
    Alina Ustinova
    Online Moderator
    Pavel Pozdnyakov
    Theorose Elikplim Dzineku

    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: Through the promotion of youth empowerment and protection of human rights in the digital environment this network session aims at strengthening the existing national institutions and contributing to the formation of an international framework that would ensure the rule of law and equal access to justice on the Internet (16.3) As this session will strive to address themes that primarily focus on empowerment of youth, regardless of their age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status (10.2) it will be essential to elaborate on equal access to the Internet as well (9.c). Finally only through the application of a multilateral discussion (17) and responsive decision making (16.7) and inclusion of all stakeholders including with different views will we be able to assess real growth points of protection of fundamental freedoms. And most importantly this session will try to find a solution to protection of human rights and rule of law in the digital space that will not hinder sustainable development (16.b).


    Projects Presentation

    Duration (minutes)

    It is common knowledge that youth is the main driver of digital innovation and progress in the world. In particular, youth ought to inspire and promote human rights-centred, just, agile and inclusive Internet governance. Also, young people are always eager to teach their own peers, adults and children about new technologies with groundbreaking methodologies. During this networking session, youth from all over the world are set to present their own projects that promote digital, media and information literacy and other educational projects that prompt to inspire young people to go into the IT field. Attendees of the session are also welcome to talk about their own ideas. Organisers inspire to make an event for building horizontal communication and international teams for new projects in the digital enlightenment field. We will also focus our attention on the ways the youth can become a liaison in cooperation and contribute to the fulfilment of joint international effort to ensure sustainable and inclusive digital transformation through the enlightenment.

    The hybrid format will basically depend on a guiding role of moderator and pre-moderator in the discussion. Both will work to ensure that online and offline participants and speakers are equally represented and have the same opportunities to speak, ask questions and intervene. Session will also incorporate instant feedback collection from the audience as for discussion to be naturally navigated. All participants, including online, will be able to provide instant feedback during the discussion using various online tools (like Mentimeter or AhaSlides).

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    1. Youth engagement is one of the key drivers of Internet Governance because they are the most open-minded and enthusiastic generation that can listen to opinions from all over the world and take real actions
    2. Enlightment projects in the IT field are needed in the Global North no less than in the Global South because it can help to share the approaches from all over the world
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    1. Involve more tech youth in the IG field via education projects and NRI's
    2. Create a more inclusive space for online participants of IT conferences, so that more people can share their view on the IG topics
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    Worldwide Web of Youth: Cooperation for Enlightenment let young people to present their projects aimed at involving youth in the field of internet governance, developing digital literacy and involving youth in IT.

    Pavel Pozdnyakov: the Summer School on Internet Governance, the “Digital Reality” discussion club, the CC Youth Council and a special course for young people held on the eve of the Russian Internet Governance Forum. Pavel also added that the Russian IGF traditionally concludes with a youth session, where young people present Russian projects related to internet governance, and speakers from other countries share their experience in involving young people in the field of internet governance.

    The Center for Global IT Cooperation spoke about its youth projects, in particular about the Youth Internet Governance Forum (Youth RIGF), which has been held every year since 2021, as well as about the initiative born on the sidelines of this Forum - the Institute of Youth Digital Ombudsman.

    Marko Paloski and Shradha Pandey explained how you can be involved in the ISOC Community and what opportunities will be open for you after that. They pointed out that this is a great platform to start learning about Internet Governance and be involved into the IG movements. Also, this is a good platform to present your own projects in digital literacy or other relative field. Supportive youth will always help you.

    All of the speakers advised to start your projects within your own country or region. They also encouraged more tech youth to be involved in the IG movement and IGF itself make online participation more meaningful for everyone.