IGF 2023 Open Forum #72 GC3B: Mainstreaming cyber resilience and development agenda

    Thursday, 12th October, 2023 (02:30 UTC) - Thursday, 12th October, 2023 (03:30 UTC)
    WS 10 – Room I

    Cyberattacks, Cyberconflicts and International Security

    Round Table - 60 Min


    The IGF traditionally provides an excellent opportunity to bring together the GFCE community as well as many other stakeholders active in the field of cyber capacity building. The aim of the session will be to bring together these stakeholders to exchange on cyber capacity building needs and challenges. The IGF will take place a few weeks before the Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B) organised by the GFCE, the Cyber Peace Institute, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum, aimed to catalyze global action on mainstreaming cyber resilience across the international development agenda as a key enabler of sustainable development, economic growth, and social prosperity. It will therefore be the right moment to collect last inputs on the global agenda for cyber capacity building to be presented at the GC3B.

    The session will be organised in true hybrid fashion with a mix of speakers online and onsite, treated equally with similar level of exposure. The same will apply for participants - the ones joining online will be assisted by a dedicated and experienced chat moderator who will encourage discussion in the chat and help bring any inputs in the session itself. The onsite and chat moderators will be a team knowing in advance how to make the session equal for anybody participating, meaning pre-agreed spots during the session where the chat moderator will summarise discussion in the chat to ensure the session is not dominated by the onsite audience.


    Tereza Horejsova, GFCE, civil society, EEG Albert Antwi-Boasiako, Ghana, government, AG David van Duren, GFCE, civil society, WEOG


    Liesyl Franz, United States

    Moctar Yedaly, Mauritania

    Christopher Painter, GFCE, 

    Pua Hunter, Cook Islands

    Onsite Moderator
    Tereza Horejsova, GFCE
    Online Moderator
    Allan Cabanlong, GFCE
    Ms Tereza Horejsova, GFCE, civil society, EEG

    4. Quality Education
    5. Gender Equality
    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    10. Reduced Inequalities
    16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: The work of the GFCE, especially in connection to the GC3B, strives to connect cyber and development discussions and practitioners more prominently. In this context, the session will take into account especially SDGs 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 16 and 17.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    Cyber capacity building leads at the intersection of cyber and digital development.
    More efficient cyber capacity building requires more interaction between these two communities.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    The GFCE will organise the GC3B conference and bring the issue of cyber capacity building more on the agenda, globally and regionally.
    The Accra Call to be published at the conference will provide a framework for action on cyber capacity building.
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    18th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum  

    Workshop GC3B – ‘’Mainstreaming Cyber Resilience in the Development Agenda” 

    October 12th 2023  

    Summary Report   

    Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) Secretariat 



    The workshop on Mainstreaming Cyber Resilience in the Development Agenda was held in view of the Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B). The aim of the session was to engage the stakeholder community around the outcome document of the Conference, namely: the Accra Call. The Action Framework aims to promote cyber resilience across development agendas as well as contextualize cyber capacity building within broader development goals, engaging both the cybersecurity as well as development communities, to commit to effective and sustained action on cyber capacity building (CCB). Tereza Horejsova from the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), and on behalf of the co-organizers of the GC3B,  organized and moderated the discussion. Participants were asked to share perspectives on the outcome document based on the question of what barriers need to be overcome to better connect CCB with development goals, to elevate the role of development in CCB and vice versa, that lend themselves into particular action items? 


    • Tereza Horejsova – Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) 

    • Pua Hunter –  Office of the Prime Minister Cook Islands 

    • Liesyl Franz – United States Department of State’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP) 

    • Chris Painter – President of the GFCE Foundation Board  

    • Allan Cabanlong – GFCE Southeast Asia Hub Director 


    On 29-30th November 2023, the first global conference on cyber capacity building will take place in Accra, Ghana. Co-organized by the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, the Cyber Peace Institute, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, and hosted by the Government of Ghana, the Conference will convene decision makers from all over the world on the title: Cyber Resilience for Development. From high-level government leaders and practitioners, international organizations and academia, development community actors, to experts on cyber security and on capacity building, as well as the private sector, the Conference aims to connect across sectors and regions to increase cooperation among siloed communities.  To that end, the Accra Call – a global framework with concrete actions to support countries in strengthening their cyber resilience – will be made available for endorsement by the multistakeholder community.  



    Liesyl Franz, from the United States Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP), placed United States involvement in cyber capacity building (CCB) projects over the years into the current landscape and noted that growing global demand requires greater coordination of such efforts. To that end, Liesyl noted the GC3B’s unique opportunity  for donor countries, recipients, implementors, private sector and academia, to come together and discuss the current state of CCB given limited global resources and rapid digital growth. The Conference will foster conversations about global demands and distribution, bring together relevant actors and contribute to bridging the gap between cyber and (digital) development groups. In support of this effort, the US has indicated participation through a high-level interagency delegation led by Mr. Fick, the Ambassador of Cyberspace & Digital Policy, to engage with the multistakeholder community on these questions and make meaningful steps towards a global digital future.  


    Pua Hunter, from the Prime Minister’s Office of Cook Islands, highlighted regional Pacific efforts and how these in turn reflect the need for coordinated, global action. The region is experiencing considerable momentum around CCB, with nations in the region receiving support from International Organizations, whilst leveraging regional and global networks, to develop national cyber capacities. However, the need to manage these efforts effectively are crucial in ensuring intended benefits of initiatives are reaped. Previous experiences with development partners reiterate the need to contextualize national as well as regional needs.  

    Chris Painter reiterated the GFCE’s role in navigating the donor, recipient, and implementor landscape. As the demand for CCB increases, so does the necessity to inspire stakeholders to work towards integrating cyber resilience in international and development agendas. Cyber resilience is integral to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as these are often undergirded by digital and cybersecurity frameworks. Thus, the Accra Call, a working document that aims to mainstream cyber resilience through actionable items.  

    The Accra Call for Cyber Resilient Development 

    • An Action Framework built on four key building blocks that draws from existing shared commitments and ongoing relevant efforts in international fora and processes  

    • With an aim to elevate cyber resilience across international and national development agendas as well as promote cyber capacity building that supports broader development goals and effectively serves the needs of developing countries 

    • Entailing concrete actionable items,  followed by recommendations, with a focus on ‘how’ stakeholders can engage and commit 

    •  To serve as a tangible document, a blueprint and a motivation for action and as a voluntary commitment to garner political will for sustained capacity building 

    Participant feedback 

    Participants raised several questions related both the Conference and the Outcome document. In response to a concern about the regional focus of the Conference, the GFCE noted the Conference’s theme of connecting to regional perspectives to global discussions and resources. Allan Cabanlong from the GFCE South East Asia Hub noted that the Conference aims to spark global engagement and inspire all regions to take action. Thus, engagement from all over the world is crucial in linking these spheres.  

    Participants discussed implementation and training modalities, which influence the effectiveness of CCB projects. Terms from the development community such as continuous education, accountability, and the train-the-trainer concept were highlighted. Awareness of these approaches will affect the absorption capabilities of nations in terms of knowledge and skills retention, as well as institutional development. 

    To take stock of progress on the Accra Call, commitments in the document will serve as a baseline to be continuously assessed and amended as necessary. As for concerns for the Rule of Law, the preamble of the Accra Call, the GFCE’s values on a free, open, peaceful and secure digital world, as well as efforts to include stakeholder and development community values, principles, and standards included into the document were stressed.  


    The Global Conference on Cyber Capacity Building (GC3B) program will reflect the content of the Accra Call, while the Accra Call cements commitment post-Conference. The Conference will thus foster conversation among stakeholders to elevate and bring attention to the urgency surrounding national and regional cyber capacity building. The aim of both is to leverage existing structures for elevating cyber resilience within development. The benefits of these commitments will be reflected in the social contribution that cyber resilience brings in terms of economic and digital benefits which are necessarily undergirded by valuing and committing to cyber security and cyber resilience.