IGF 2024 First Open Consultations and MAG meeting Agenda

IGF 2024 First Open Consultations and MAG meeting
Hilton Riyadh Hotel & Residences | (6623 Eastern Ring Rd, Ghirnatah, Riyadh 13241, Saudi Arabia)
27-29 February 2024

​​​Join the Meeting through this Zoom link (to be emailed to registered participants)
DAY 1 | 27 February 2024
NEOM Hall | Upper Ground Floor ​​​​​​, Hilton Riyadh Hotel
Open Consultations
Time (UTC+3) Agenda Item (*see meeting inputs and desired outputs below)
08:30 - 09:00 Onsite Registration, NEOM Hall, Upper Ground Floor, Hilton Riyadh Hotel
09:00-11:00 Open exchange with Leadership Panel 
  • Welcome from LP Chair 
  • Welcome by MAG Chair
  • Welcome by IGF 2024 Host Country

IGF 2024 strategic objectives

  • IGF in Context of Ongoing & Upcoming Processes (GDC & WSIS+20)
  • Discussion on Collaborative Approaches for Strengthening IGF, including through LP Working Groups
11:00 - 11:30 COFFEE BREAK
11:30-12:00 Opening statements and adoption of the agenda
  • Message from UN DESA 
  • Message from IGF 2023 Host Country 
  • Adoption of the agenda 
  • Presentation and update from IGF 2024 Host Country followed by a Q&A
12:00-12:30 IGF 2023 stock taking and considerations for IGF 2024
  • IGF Secretariat’s summary of the inputs received to the stocktaking process concerning the programme and schedule, other general IGF improvements and linkages to broader UN policy agendas (if applicable)
12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00-15:30 Themes for IGF 2024 and other strategic approaches to programme
  • IGF Secretariat’s summary of inputs received to the open call for thematic inputs
  • Open discussion on IGF 2024 overarching theme/title, main themes and issues 
  • Open discussion on 19th IGF programme structure including thematic tracks and other programme components: high-level leaders track, parliamentary track, youth engagement, capacity development 

Updates from related Internet governance initiatives and processes, followed by an open discussion on possible IGF 2024 activities/collaboration. Interventions from:

  • ISOC
  • DiploFoundation
  • UNDP
  • Council of Europe
  • ITU
  • OECD
  • ICC
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland
16:45-17:00 Objectives for the next two days, summing up and closing

*Input documents:

*Desired outputs:

  • Understand IGF 2024 strategic objectives, including potential improvements to the IGF 2024 procedures and programme.
  • Understand what could be themes of the IGF 2024.
  • Foster cooperation and partnerships with represented international IG initiatives.


​​​Join the Meeting through this Zoom link
DAY 2 | 28 February 2024
NEOM Hall | Upper Ground Floor ​​​​​​, Hilton Riyadh Hotel
MAG Meeting (open to observers)
Time (UTC+3) Agenda Item (*see meeting inputs and desired outputs below)

Opening of the MAG meeting

  • Opening remarks from MAG chair and review of the agenda and meeting goals
09:15 - 10:30 Recap of inputs from the Open Consultations 
  • Addressing outcomes of the Open Consultations and exchange with the Leadership Panel: translating suggestions into practice 
  • Capturing consensus on IGF 2024 overarching theme/title, main themes and issues
10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00-12:30 Recap of inputs from the Open Consultations (cont.)
  • Addressing outcomes of the Open Consultations and exchange with the Leadership Panel: translating suggestions into practice 
  • Capturing consensus on IGF 2024 overarching theme/title, main themes and issues
12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK

Overall programme structure and flow

  • Shaping the IGF 2024 annual programme 
    • Event format and flow
    • Type and number of sessions
    • How to approach types of sessions and desired total number of sessions?
    • Type and number of programme tracks
    • Other programme component integration (intersessional work, high-level leaders track, parliamentary track, youth track, newcomers track etc.)
16:45-17:00 Recap of consensus, next steps and closing

*Input documents:

*Desired outputs:

  • Decide on the IGF 2024 overarching theme/title and programme.
  • Endorse design of the overall programme structure and flow
  • Endorse types and total number of sessions.


​​​Join the Meeting through this Zoom link
DAY 3 | 29 February 2024
NEOM Hall | Upper Ground Floor ​​​​​​, Hilton Riyadh Hotel
MAG Meeting (open to observers)
Time (UTC+3) Agenda Item (*see desired outputs below)

Review of the agenda and meeting goals

  • Capturing consensus on IGF 2024 overarching theme/title, main themes and issues (cont.)

Overall programme structure and flow (cont.)

  • Shaping the IGF 2024 annual programme 
    • Event format and flow
    • Type and number of sessions
    • How to approach types of sessions and desired total number of sessions?
    • Type and number of programme tracks
    • Other programme component integration (intersessional work, high-level leaders track, parliamentary track, youth track, newcomers track etc.)
10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00 - 12:30

Timetable and process for calling for proposals 

  • How to approach selection of sessions and relevant criteria?
12:30-14:00 LUNCH BREAK
  • Selection of the Policy Network and Best Practice Forum proposals
  • Updates on the intersessional work, NRIs and capacity development  
  • Updates from 2024 MAG Working Groups

IGF 2024 - Strategic vision for future IGFs 

  • Approach to WSIS+20, GDC and other relevant processes
  • Addressing other high-level strategic priorities for 2024 cycle and beyond, based on exchanges with Leadership Panel and LP open dialogue with stakeholders
  • Setting the strategic vision for the IGF
16:45-17:00 Evaluation, next steps and meeting closure 
  • Closing remarks from the Host Country Co-Chair and MAG Chair

*Input documents:

*Desired outputs:

  • Endorse call for sessions and selection procedures (confirm timeline, agree on call design/webform, confirm selection criteria).
  • Select the intersessional work streams (PN and BPF).
  • Agree on any recommendations on cooperation with DCs and NRIs and broader community.