IGF 2024 WS #195 Digital Governance: A Youth Driven Global Approach

    Organizer 1: Turra Daniele, Internet Society
    Organizer 2: Dhruv Bhatt, Dynamic Teen Coalition
    Speaker 1: Natalie Tercova, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Denise Leal, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 3: Catherine Page, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 4: James Nathan Adjartey Amattey, Private Sector, African Group
    Speaker 5: Yee Man Ko , Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Turra Daniele, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Online Moderator
    Osei Manu Kagyah, Civil Society, African Group
    Dhruv Bhatt, Intergovernmental Organization, Asia-Pacific Group
    Duration (minutes): 60
    Format description: The workshop will utilize a roundtable format for to facilitate an interactive panel for and inclusive dialogue between among diverse stakeholders, facilitated by centered around young technically savv, socially warm and inclusive leaders.
    Policy Question(s)
    1. How can we integrate real-time monitoring systems to track funding and resource allocation to youth-led initiatives, ensuring transparency and accountability? 2. What legal and regulatory frameworks are needed to establish and scale youth-led digital cooperatives, considering data ownership, governance, and privacy? 3. How can we effectively channel the outcomes of youth-led digital governance initiatives into national and international policy-making processes, ensuring substantial influence and adoption? 4. Which global institutions can be effective champions of harnessing the power of digitally savvy youth to achieve a better digital future?
    What will participants gain from attending this session? A Youth Driven Global Approach workshop will see in action how understand the vital role of youth are essential for participative in digital governance. Highlights from the i50 Youth Celebrations and insights from summer's i50 Imagination Workshops will inspire more young people by offering a map, and examples of navigation pathways for demonstrate how youth are driving impactful initiatives. Outcomes Results from the Science Summit at the UN General Assembly will showcase this progress. The session will provide a map for how to make the critical shift from ideation to actionable frameworks detail the initial steps toward establishing the role of data cooperatives in evidence based policy development, evidence-based funding disbursement tied to achievement of intermediate outcomes and sustaining community commitment and action over the long term to achieve the impact desired. , marking a critical shift from ideation to actionable frameworks.

    Our session, 'Youth-Driven Digital Governance Futures,' aims to reignite the internet’s original spirit of openness and community-driven innovation, emphasizing inclusive bottom-up governance processes. To mark the 50th anniversary of the internet, the i50 celebration at the Science Summit during the UNGA in September, will be the culmination of preceded by a series of online i50 Imagination Workshops (iIW) conducted with diverse technical and non-technical communities during the summer. These workshops aim to bring in harness fresh, diverse perspectives to the “Summit of the Future” and the “Digital Global Compact” by harnessing and the technological savviness of youth, creating a unique sounding board platform for creativity and critical thinking about the “Internet we Want”.
    Expected Outcomes
    A summary report outlining the key insights and recommendations from the workshop, intended for distribution among stakeholders at various governance levels. The initiation of a follow-up series of webinars to continue the dialogue and monitor the progress of integrating workshop recommendations into practice. The establishment of a collaborative platform and framework for task force aimed at implementing Digital Governance: A Youth Driven Global Approach the proposed youth empowerment frameworks, with plans to present progress at the next IGF.
    Hybrid Format: Accessibility: Ensure the session is accessible to all participants, regardless of location or disability, by providing closed captioning, transcripts, translation and alternative formats for materials. Active Participation Tools: We will encourage online participants to use features like chat, polls, and Q&A to engage in real-time discussions. Dual Moderation: We have assigned two moderators, one onsite and one online, to manage the flow of discussion and ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute.