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IGF 2024 WS #245 Internet Society Collaborative Leader Exchange

    Organizer 1: Claire van Zwieten, Internet Society Foundation
    Organizer 2: Alejandra Prieto, 🔒Internet Society
    Organizer 3: Tori Irvine, Internet Society Foundation

    Speaker 1: Vladislav Ivanets, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
    Speaker 2: Dana Cramer, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Fatou SARR, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 4: Aaron Promise Mbah, Private Sector, African Group


    Alejandra Prieto, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Online Moderator

    Tori Irvine, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Dana Cramer, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)


    Duration (minutes): 90
    Format description: This is an interactive session where people need to be able to join different groups to discuss specific topics.

    Policy Question(s)

    1) How can we protect the Internet against decisions that weaken online security?

    2) How do we influence policy, technology, and commercial decisions that put people’s safety, security, and privacy first?

    3) How can we teach people to make safe choices to protect themselves online?

    What will participants gain from attending this session? Participants and attendees will gain a greater understanding of the role of youth in Internet governance, including how to create a safer Internet and reducing the digital divide. Youth will be at the forefront of developing Internet protection policies for decades to come, and we look forward to our participants gaining insights into the development of best practices in protection online.


    The Collaborative Leadership Exchange will take the format of an unconference, with equal parts of peer-to-peer style learning and engagement, networking and relationship building, interactive discussions and promotion of increased collaboration between stakeholders in the Internet ecosystem.

    Once the event has started, activities are determined and led by the people in attendance. Instead of passive listening, all attendees are encouraged to become active participants, with the moderator providing structure for attendees. Thus, the success of the session depends on YOU.

    Expected Outcomes

    Better understanding of how to get a safer Internet
    Best practices and recommendation to be protected when online
    Opportunities for youth to engage in Internet governance
    Ways to reduce the digital divide
    Report on the topics discussed

    Hybrid Format: The session will have a strong online component as we expect most of Internet Society Youth Ambassadors to attend the event online. The online and onsite moderators will work together to ensure that input from both online and on-site participants is received. The online moderator will encourage remote participation during the entire session. The organization team has experience in conducting this session online and onsite which will make the planning and integration of everyone's feedback smoother.