- Virtual Meeting IX: 29 June 2017, 13:00 p.m. UTC -




  1. The ninth virtual meeting for the coordinators of the National and Regional IGF Initiatives (NRIs), took place on 29 June 2017 at  13:00 p.m. UTC.
  2. Meeting was hosted by Ms. Anja Gengo from the IGF Secretariat. The agenda is attached to this document as Annex A1 and a list of Meeting Participants as Annex A2. 
  3. The Host explained that this is an open meeting to everyone to attend. However, for the purposes of understanding the overall position of the NRIs regarding the placement of the NRIs collaborative session during the IGF 2017 annual meeting, the NRIs coordinators will be prioritized in speaking.  


Summary Report

  1. A coordinator from the West Africa IGF noted that this process feels repetitive, as the NRIs submitted inputs to this mater on many occasions. The Host explained that many of the coordinators did not submit inputs, hence the reason for this meeting.
  2. From the FYR Macedonia IGF, it was stated that the collaborative sessions should be organized during the regular meeting days, as it will allow the NRIs to present and discuss relevant matters.
  3. On behalf of the Central Asia IGF, the coordinator stressed the importance of having the collaborative sessions happening during the regular meeting days, as the objective of the session organizers is to be heard by everyone.


  1. Albania IGF expressed support for having the collaborative sessions during the regular meeting days. It was announced that their first annual IGF meeting will be most probably in October this year.


  1. Mexico IGF coordinator noted that the NRIs will most probably have a main session, and that having all other sessions on Day 0 will give more organizational flexibility to the NRIs. It was said that there is a risk that this initiative may not have structural presence in next year, as now, due to the political situation in place.


  1. Coordinator from the Japan IGF shared an update on the intersessional activities that are underway, stating that the next bimonthly meeting will be hosted on 17 July. It will be focused on the I-stars involvement into the IG arena. Everyone are invited, and the online participation tools are available. The meeting will be on Japanese language. Regarding the agenda items, this initiative’s position is that the sessions should happen during the regular meeting days as not many participants will attend the Day 0. Additional challenge is that the Day 0 will be outside of the UN’s premises, and on Sunday, not on work day.


  1. On behalf of the APrIGF, it was noted that the next, 2018 annual meeting will be held in Vanuatu. Regarding the agenda items, it was stated that they support for these sessions to be hosted during the regular meeting days.


  1. The Sri Lanka IGF coordinator stated that the NRIs will not benefit from having these session if they are outside of the UN premises. By having it during the day 0, there is a risk of not having a good reflection from the community.


  1. From the African IGF, it was said that the NRIs need to have a main session, while other needed meetings could be arranged to be on Day 0.


  1. On behalf the IGF-USA, the co-coordinator stated that they are in favour of having these sessions to be on regular meeting days. The main reasons are: cost reduction and visibility of the NRIs under the UN’s scope.


  1. The coordinator for West Africa IGF and Nigeria IGF elaborated that the IGF has to be inclusive, and taken into account this core principle, the NRIs should be integrated into the regular meeting programme. Organizing sessions on Day 0 will exclude the NRIs from the regular programme. Additionally, the NRIs don’t have enough resources to attend the pre-event. However, all options should be available to the NRIs, depending on their possibilities and preferences.


  1. From the Croatian IGF it was stated that their event was hosted on 16 May, and that the annual report will follow. This initiative is in favour of having the collaborative session organized during the regular meeting days, as it will allow for enhancement and upgrade of the NRIs mutual collaboration.


  1. The coordinator from the Spain IGF noted that the collaborative sessions should be organized during the regular meeting days, as they will create more representation space for the NRIs within the IGF.


  1. Trinidad and Tobago IGF’s coordinator stated that they stand for the option of having the collaborative session organised during the regular meeting days.


  1. On behalf of the Namibia IGF, the coordinator informed that the first annual IGF meeting will be hosted in September this year. They support the regular meeting days option, as it will reduce costs and allow looking into more perspectives.


  1. The China IGF supported the regular meeting days as well.


  1. Chad IGF reiterated its position for the session to be organized during the regular meeting days.


  1. On behalf of the Kenya IGF, it was noted that many of the NRIs are not self-sustainable, and having them integrated into the regular meeting programme would create opportunity to interact with other stakeholders and create partnerships. Also, attending the Day 0 would bring additional costs to the NRIs. They support the regular meeting days option.


  1. Coordinator of the Youth LACIGF reminded that their next annual meeting will be hosted in Panama City on 1 August 2017. Regarding the collaborative sessions, their position is that they should be organized during the regular meeting days, as it reduces the costs.


  1. Upon request, the Host reminded that the NRIs asked for the main session and these collaborative session, as well as for the booth. It was noted that the NRIs Coordination sessions will be hosted during the regular meeting days, and not on Day 0.


  1. Member of the IGFSA Executive Committee informed that the IGFSA discussed the potential ways of supporting the info-material for the NRIs booth. NRIs will be informed about final outcomes.


  1. An informal gathering during the ICANN meeting was announced by Ms. Marilyn Cade. It was noted that the IGF Secretariat will be represented by the Programme and Technology Manager, Mr. Chengetai Masango, in person.


  1. The Host announced that the IGF Secretariat works on developing an observatory for the NRIs, following the request that came during the 2015 and 2016 IGF annual meetings. More details will be shared through the NRIs mailing list.


  1. It was agreed that the consensus is that the NRIs collaborative sessions should be organized during the regular meeting days.


Next Steps

  1. The Secretariat will send the summary report to the NRIs mailing list.
  2. Based on all inputs received from the NRIs after the 2nd face-to-face MAG meeting, a Note of Information will be developed and submitted to the MAG Chair for informing the MAG.
  3. Next meeting: The Secretariat will distribute the Doodle poll for the members of the NRIs to cast the votes for the best time slots for the next virtual meeting.
  4. For any suggestions or questions regarding the Report, kindly contact the IGF Secretariat, NRIs Focal Point at: agengo@unog.ch.




AGENDA: National and Regional IGF Initiatives (NRIs)

IGF NRIs: Virtual Meeting IX, 28 June 2017, 13:00 p.m. UTC

1. Should the NRIs collaborative sessions be organized during the IGF meeting days (18-21 December), as per their agreed structure (indicated in the NRIs sessions guidelines, section 2)? 

2. Should the above mentioned sessions be organized during the Day 0 (to be on: 17 December, Sunday, outside of the UN)? 

3. Should the NRIs collaborative sessions be organized during the Day 0 and during regular meeting days, combined? 




MEETING PARTICIPANTS (in alphabetical order):

  1. Aleksandar Icokaev, FYR Macedonia IGF
  2. Aleksandar Icokaev, FYR Macedonia IGF
  3. Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat
  4. Artem Goryainov, Central Asia IGF
  5. Barrack Otieno, Kenya IGF
  6. Chengetai Masango, IGF Secretaria
  7. Élisson Diones Cazumbá, Youth LACIGF Observatory
  8. Fotjon Kosta, IGF Albania                    
  9. Israel Rosas, Mexico IGF
  10. Izumi Okutani, Japan IGF
  11. Jennifer Chung, APrIGF
  12. Maheeshwara Kirindigoda
  13. Makane Faye, IGF Africa                                     
  14. Marilyn Cade, IGFSA, IGF-USA                          
  15. Mary Uduma, IGF Nigeria                    
  16. Natasa Glavor, Croatia IGF
  17. Paul Rowney, Namibia IGF
  18. Said Bensbih, Morroco IGF
  19. Sorina Teleanu, SEEDIG
  20. Tian Luo, China IGF
  21. Tracy F. Hackshaw, Trinidad and Tobago IGF
  22. Wisdom Donkor, Ghana IGF
  23. Youssouf Abdelrahim, Chad IGF
  24. Zoraida Frias, Spain IGF