About the MAG

MAG 2021 Renewal General Guidance

IGF MAG Renewal 2021

General guidance and notes to take into consideration regarding nominations for a position on the MAG
- Please note that the below are points of general guidance from the IGF Secretariat. The decision regarding the final selection and composition of the MAG lies wholly with the Secretary-General's Office. -
 The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) was established by the ‎United Nations Secretary-General in 2006 to assist the Secretary-General in convening the annual IGF ‎meeting by advising on the programme and schedule. MAG members serve in their personal capacity, but ‎are expected to have established linkages within stakeholder communities. More information is available in ‎the MAG Terms of References. ‎
The United Nations Secretary-General appoints members, with careful consideration of the ‎recommendations made by stakeholder groups and nominations from the broader community. The overall ‎composition of the MAG should have a regional, stakeholder and gender balance and in this light ‎nominators are requested to review past and returning MAG member affiliations. Further, the Secretary-‎General launched the gender parity strategy in September 2017 as part of a system-wide campaign to ‎advance this priority at the United Nations.‎
Members coming from the Government stakeholder group may hold up to 40% of the total number of ‎seats on the MAG, with the remaining percentage shared equally across the three other stakeholder ‎groups, i.e. civil society, private sector and the technical community. Individual appointments are for a one ‎‎(1)-year term, with a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms. Former IGF Host Countries hold one seat ‎each on the MAG. Treaty-based intergovernmental organizations can also hold observer seats on the ‎MAG.  
Countries that were not represented or were under-represented in previous MAG compositions will have ‎an advantage over those that have had continuous or frequent representation on the MAG.‎
At the end of the 2020 IGF cycle, twenty-five (25) MAG members are due to be rotated out, as they have ‎served a full three (3)-year term on the MAG. ‎

2021 Membership Balance

The 2021 composition will aim at having approximately 40% government’s representation, with other ‎stakeholder groups having equal number of members. It will ‎aim to have equitable representation across regions.
In addition to gender parity, the MAG 2021 selection will give due consideration to representation of ‎stakeholders with experience in youth engagement, including through the National, Regional and Youth IGF ‎Initiatives (NRIs), as well as stakeholders with high-level profiles and rich experience in Internet governance ‎policies, across all stakeholder and regional groups. This is in line with ongoing efforts to strengthen the IGF.‎
Countries that were not represented or were underrepresented in previous MAG compositions, will have ‎an advantage over those that have had continuous or frequent representation on the MAG. Below is the ‎historical overview of countries’ representation per the UN regional groups, with indication in parentheses ‎in case of multiyear* representation:‎


Countries that have been represented on the MAG: Algeria, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Comoros, Republic ‎of Congo, DR Congo, Egypt (5), Gambia, Ghana (3), Ivory Coast, Kenya (5), Mauritius (2), Morocco, Namibia, ‎Nigeria ‎‎(9), Niger, Senegal (4), Somalia, South Africa (3), Sudan (2), Togo, Tunisia , Uganda (3), Zambia, ‎Zimbabwe (2).‎
Countries that have not been represented on the MAG: Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, ‎Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, ‎Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, ‎Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Swaziland, UR Tanzania.‎

Asia Pacific

Countries that have been represented on the MAG: Afghanistan, Bangladesh (3), China (15), Fiji (2), India ‎‎(7), Indonesia (3), Iran (2), ‎Japan (5), Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan (4), Philippines (2), ‎Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, ‎Singapore, Sri Lanka (2), Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu, Vietnam ‎‎(2). ‎
Countries that have not been represented on the MAG: Bahrain, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam,  Cyprus, ‎Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan,  Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao ‎People's Republic, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated, States of), Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, ‎Oman, Palau, Papua New Guinea,  Qatar, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Syrian Arab Republic, ‎Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Yemen.‎

Eastern Europe 

Countries that have been represented on the MAG: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina ‎‎(3), Bulgaria (2), Croatia (2), Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary (2), ‎Latvia, Lithuania (2), North Macedonia, ‎Moldova, Poland (2), Romania (2), Russia (7), Serbia (3), Slovakia, Ukraine.‎
Countries that have not been represented on the MAG: Albania, Montenegro, Slovenia.‎


Countries that have been represented on the MAG: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina (6), Barbados (2), ‎Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil (8), Chile (3), Colombia (3), Costa Rica (2), Cuba, ‎Ecuador (2), El Salvador, ‎Jamaica, Mexico (3), Paraguay, Peru (2), Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago (2), ‎Uruguay (3), Venezuela.‎
Countries that have not been represented on the MAG: Bahamas, Belize, Dominica,  Dominican Republic, ‎Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint ‎Vincent and the Grenadines. ‎


Countries that have been represented on the MAG: Australia (7), Austria, Belgium (2), Canada (4), Finland ‎‎(4), France (6), Germany (5), ‎Greece, Italy (2), Netherlands (2), New Zealand (3), Portugal (2), Spain (3), ‎Sweden (4), Switzerland, UK (8), ‎USA (17).‎
Countries that have not been represented on the MAG: Andorra, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, ‎Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Norway, San Marino. 
‎Former IGF Host Countries hold one permanent seat each on the MAG: Greece, Brazil, India, Egypt, ‎Lithuania, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, Switzerland, France and Germany.‎
‎Please note that the overall composition depends on several considerations including the nominations ‎received, as well as the final decision of the UN Secretary-General.‎


List of members that are due to be rotated out

The table below indicates the twenty-five (25) MAG members who have served three (3) consecutive terms ‎on the MAG:‎

  Title Last Name, First Name Regional Group Stakeholder Group Terms Served
1. Ms. Baniala, Dalsie ‎ Asia Pacific Government 3 Terms
2. Ms. Cadena, Sylvia GRULAC Technical ‎Community ‎3 Terms‎
3. Ms. Cassa, Concettina WEOG Government ‎3 Terms‎
4. Ms. Chung, Jennifer Asia Pacific Private Sector ‎3 Terms‎
5. Ms. Clarke-Hinds, Shelley-Ann GRULAC Government ‎3 Terms‎
6. Ms. Croll, Jutta WEOG Civil Society ‎3 Terms‎
7. Ms. Dahmani, Wafa Africa Government ‎3 Terms‎
8. Ms. Galpaya, Helani Asia Pacific Civil Society ‎3 Terms‎
9. Ms. Galstyan, Lianna Eastern Europe Civil Society ‎3 Terms‎
10. Ms. Glavor, Natasa Eastern Europe Government ‎3 Terms‎
11. Ms. Gridl, Rudolf WEOG Government ‎3 Terms‎
12. Ms. Jallow, Adama Africa Civil Society ‎3 Terms‎
13. Mr. Jevtovic, Danko Eastern Europe Technical ‎Community ‎3 Terms‎
14. Mr. Malcolm, Jeremy WEOG Civil Society ‎3 Terms‎
15. Mr. Markovski, Veni Eastern Europe Technical ‎Community ‎3 Terms‎
16. Ms. Munoz Zumbado, Maricela GRULAC Government ‎3 Terms‎
17. Ms. Parris, June GRULAC Private Sector ‎3 Terms‎
18. Mr. Regoje, Nebojsa Eastern Europe Government ‎3 Terms‎
19. Mr. Rowney, Paul Africa Private Sector ‎3 Terms‎
20. Mr. Sibul, Heiki Eastern Europe Government ‎3 Terms‎
21. Mr. Steck, Christoph WEOG Private Sector ‎3 Terms‎
22. Ms. Suto, Timea Eastern Europe Private Sector ‎3 Terms‎
23. Ms. Teleanu, Sorina Eastern Europe Civil Society ‎3 Terms‎
24. Ms. Uduma, Mary Africa Technical Community ‎3 Terms‎
25. Mr. Wallis, Ben WEOG Private Sector ‎3 Terms‎

* Corresponds to one tenure of up to three consecutive years.‎