NRIs 2018 Collaborative Sessions

For the IGF 2018 annual meeting, a number of the national, regional, subregional and Youth IGF initiatives (NRIs) will partner among themselves on five(5) different topics, to organize substantive sessions.

These sessions are co-organized by the national, subregional or regional IGF initiatives, while respecting the regional and stakeholder balance within the composition. 

In a bottom up manner, through several rounds of public consultations and surveys, the NRIs have decided to organize the following sessions:


Full session description to be added
  1. Albania Youth IGF
  2. Bangladesh IGF
  3. Bolivia IGF
  4. EuroDIG
  5. France IGF
  6. Korea IGF
  7. West Africa IGF
  8. Italy IGF
  9. Albania IGF
  10. Central African IGF
  11. Colombia IGF
12 November 
10:10-11:10 am CEST
Room IX
Access beyond mere Connectivity
Full session description to be added
  1. Asia Pacific regional IGF (APrIGF)‎
  2. Bangladesh IGF
  3. Bolivia IGF
  4. Brazil IGF
  5. France IGF
  6. IGF-USA
  7. Nigeria IGF
  8. West Africa IGF
  9. Tunisia IGF
  10. Colombia IGF
  11. Nepal IGF
13 November
10:10-11:10 am CEST
How different communities can develop the people’s priority digital economy?
(role of SMEs, Startups, national policies and trade regulations, recovery from natural disaster etc.)?

Full session description to be added
  1. Bangladesh IGF
  2. Brazil IGF
  3. DRC IGF
  4. France IGF
  5. Kenya IGF
  6. Togo IGF
  7. Panama IGF
  8. Tunisia IGF
  9. Italy IGF
  10. Arab IGF
13 November
17:20-18:20 pm CEST
Room IX
Fake News
(comparing practices for combating fake news, boundaries between censorship and removal of inappropriate content etc.)

Full session description to be added
  1. Bangladesh IGF
  2. Bolivia IGF
  3. Brazil IGF
  4. EuroDIG
  5. France IGF
  6. IGF-USA
  7. Korea IGF
  8. Nigeria IGF
  9. West Africa IGF
  10. Italy IGF
13 November
09:00-10:00 am CEST Room XII
Impact of Emerging Technologies on the National Level
(include aspects of present policies, IPv6 implementation, blockchain and smart cities concept, intergovernmental agreements at regional or sub-regional level).

Full session description to be added
  1. Albania Youth IGF
  2. Bangladesh IGF
  3. Bolivia IGF
  4. Congo IGF
  5. DRC IGF
  6. France IGF
  7. Kenya IGF
  8. Nigeria IGF
  9. Togo IGF
  10. West Africa IGF
  11. Tunisia IGF
  12. Italy IGF
  13. Colombia IGF
  14. Central African IGF
  15. Sri Lanka IGF
14 November
08:30-09:30 pm CEST
Room XII