Subramanian Ramadorai

CEO and Managing Director, Tata Consultancy Services Limited

S. Ramadorai, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Tata Consultancy Services Limited, has been associated with the company for the past thirty six years. Joining as a trainee engineer, Ramadorai took over as CEO in 1996 and has been instrumental in building TCS to a $ 5.7 billion global software and services company with a talent base of over 1,11,000 associates, a geographical reach of 42 countries and an enviable client list which includes six of the Top Ten Fortune companies by 2007. Ramadorai has now set his sights on ensuring that TCS is among the global Top Ten software companies. In October 2006, TCS was recognized by Economic Times as the ‘Company of the Year’, a fitting tribute to its increasing global presence.

Ramadorai’s vision is evident through the active role he played in establishing Offshore Development Centers (ODCs) in India to provide high-end quality solutions to major corporations. With a view to remain abreast with changing technologies at all times, Ramadorai set up Technology Excellence Centers in India that have acquired knowledge, expertise and equipment in specialized technology areas.

His key initiatives include his relentless pursuit of excellence in quality. Under his leadership TCS was awarded the CII-Exim Bank Quality Award for 2006. In August 2004, TCS became the world’s first organization to achieve an integrated wide Maturity Level 5 on both Capability Maturity model and People Capability Maturity model, these are frameworks conceptualized by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University to benchmark and appraise the software process and people management process of an organization.

Ramadorai continues to maintain strong links with the world of academia. In January 2007 he was invited as a member to the Business Advisory Forum of the Said Business School. He is a member of the Corporate Advisory Board, Marshall School of Business (USC) as well as other Boards of reputed Indian academic institutions. Among his other distinctions, Ramadorai is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), The Computer Society of India (CSI) and of the Indian National Academy of Engineering.

Ramadorai firmly believes that learning is a continual process, which does not end with formal education. With this in mind, he continuously strives to make TCS a learning organisation, conducive to developing ones full potential. In fact, TCS spends 6 % of its annual turnover on training and development and has also invested in a world–class training centre in Thiruvananthapuram. Additionally, every TCSer has the opportunity to undergo 20 days of training in a year to enhance their knowledge and upgrade their technical skills.