Reviewing past Best Practice Forums (BPFs)
to enhance future BPF work:
a "BPF on BPFs"

The BPF on BPFs reviewed the IGF Best Practice Forums (BPFs) as a whole, in terms of their effectiveness as a tool for the IGF to structure intersessional work.

With the input from those directly involved in organising and leading BPFs between 2014 and 2019 (MAG facilitators, Co-facilitators, key contributors, IGF Secretariat/consultants), the BPF on BPFs was able to identity a number of challenges and not yet fully used opportunities of the IGF Best Practice Forums. This allowed to formulate concrete suggestions, best practices and recommendations for improvements, most of which are hands-on and could serve to strengthen BPFs from 2021 onwards.

The BPF on BPFs also reflected on ways to evaluate BPF proposals and outcomes that would allow the MAG to develop a more systemized process of assessing and selecting BPF topics. 

Content of the report:

  • overview of BPFs 2014-2019
  • observations, challenges and suggestions for organising BPFs
  • draft BPF modalities document 
  • proposed mechanism supporting selection of  BPF topics

Download the  BPF on BPFs report (.pdf)

Key documents