IGF Dynamic Teen Coalition (DTC)
The IGF Dynamic Teen Coalition (DTC) serves as a platform that empowers teenagers to participate in shaping the global landscape of Internet governance.
The IGF Dynamic Teen Coalition (DTC) serves as a platform that empowers teenagers to participate in shaping the global landscape of Internet governance.
Cambodia Youth IGF, established in 2023, is an inclusive, multistakeholder platform that fosters dialogue and cooperation on Internet governance with and for youth.
Cambodia Youth IGF, established in 2023, is an inclusive, multistakeholder platform that fosters dialogue and cooperation on Internet governance with and for youth.
The Singapore national IGF was recognized in 2025. It serves as an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to engage in discussions on matters related to Internet governance.
The national IGF of Saudi Arabia was established in 2024. It serves as a platform for the multistakeholder collaboration and dialogue on Internet governance matters.
The national IGF of Saudi Arabia was established in 2024. It serves as a platform a multistakeholder collaboration and dialogue on Internet governance matters.
The national IGF of Iraq was established in 2024. Structurally, the national IGF of Iraq is composed of two branches, each supported by a dedicated multistakeholder organizing committee that operates in line with the IGF core principles and cooperates among themselves for one national
The Southeast Asia Youth IGF was recognized in 2024. Its main goal is to create an open, inclusive platform for all young people from the region to participate in Internet governance discussions.
The national IGF of the Maldives was established in 2023 year. Its main goal is to create an inclusive open space for all stakeholders to discuss matters related to public digital policy in the country and beyond.
The national IGF of Kazakhstan was established in 2023. Its main goal is to facilitate an open, inclusive and bottom-up platform for all stakeholders to discuss the issues related to Internet governance and cooperate.
The national IGF of Kyrgyzstan was established in 2023. Its main goal is to facilitate an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss digital public policy.
Youth Internet Governance Forum (YIGF) Bangladesh is an initiative under the umbrella of Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF). It is a multi-stakeholder, youth-led platform to engage youth in Internet governance-related processes.
Mynamar Youth IGF was recognized in 2022. It is an open, bottom-up, inclusive, multistakeholder platform where youth can discuss Internet governance and engage with all stakeholders in the country, region and globally.
The national IGF of India was established in 2021. Its aim is to facilitate discussions between all stakeholders as equals on public policy issues related to the Internet.
Nepal Youth IGF was established in 2021. The main goal is to encourage and involve young people in the substantive discussion on Internet governance.
The Youth IGF of Vietnam was recognized in 2021. It serves as an inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss Internet governance issues of youth priority in Vietnam.
The Indonesia Youth IGF was established in 2018. It has the nature of an aggregator platform, and its main purpose is to ?gather youth movement having interest on internet governance issue.
The Youth IGF Afghanistan (YIGFA) is a youth-led and youth-focused initiative aiming to engage Afghan youth in Internet Governance debates and discussions.
With a dedication to raise the awareness of youth on Internet governance matters and encourage the young generations to participate in the policy discussion, the Youth IGF of the Asia Pacific region was initiated in 2010.
The Azerbaijan Youth IGF initiative is established in 2019 with a main objective to provide an open platform to the youth community to discuss Internet Governance issues.
This Youth IGF initiative was established in 2017. Youth IGF initiative of China aims to engage voices of children and youth in the Internet Governance discourse.
Hong Kong Youth IGF was established in 2016. This Initiative provides a platform for younger generations in Hong Kong to speak up on Internet governance issues, build up their sense of digital citizenship and to familiarize with the yIGF community and model – all in order to equip youth with the skills and knowledge for continuous meaningful participation in future Internet and digital policy-making discussions.
The India Youth IGF was established in 2018. Its goals are to raise awareness among India's youth of Internet governance issues, encourage younger generations to participate in public policy discussions, and eventually build a new cadre of Internet leaders motivated to learn, engage, and act within their region and beyond.
The Youth-IGF of Malaysia was established in 2019, with the main idea of engaging young people of Malaysia in the discussion on Internet Governance matters, as well as to raise awareness on Internet Governance and promote the youth participation in Internet policy discussion.
Arab IGF was established in 2012. It aimes to create a multistakeholder platform to discuss all public policies issues related to Internet governance, especially the issues raised in the "Internet Governance Forum" with the aim of achieving the international governance and management of the Internet and promoting the Internet access, security, stability and development.
The APrIGF was convened in 2010. Its core objective is to raise awareness and encourage discussion of Internet governance issues among relevant stakeholders within the region.
CAIGF was organized in 2016. The main purpose of the Forum is the creation of a public platform for the discussion of relevant policies regarding Internet governance in the Central Asian sub-region.
The Hong Kong sub-regional IGF was established in 2019. Its core objective is to provide a dialogue platform for the multistakeholder community to address issues related to Internet Governance and facilitate the exchange of opinions.
Sub-regional IGF of Macao was established in 2016 year. Through communication and exchange ideas, Macao IGF obtains different angles of view on Internet governance, in order to foster building and maintaining an eternal network development of this respectful region.
The Pacific sub-regional IGF was organzied in 2017. The Forum serves as a platform for discussion, exchange and collaboration of Internet Governance issues in the Pacific region. The stated objective is to contribute to improving regulatory and technical capabilities of member countries, specifically with enlightened involvement in the governance of the Internet
This initiative is inactive for a longer period of time and consequently archived.
Vanuatu IGF was established in 2019. It aims at establishing a multistakeholder platform for discussing the Internet governance related matters.
The national IGF of Pakistan was established in 2017 year. It aims for creating a platform for discussion, dialogue, exchange and collaboration on Internet Governance issues.
This national IGF was established in 2012, and recognized in 2017. It is an annual forum for multistakeholder policy dialogue on Internet-related matters.
Sri Lanka national IGF was recognised in 2015 year. Its main objective is to reinforce active citizenship in people and participates in the development of intercultural and intergenerational dialogues.
Indonesia's national IGF was established in 2012. It aims to achieve those principles set out in the Indonesia IGF Declaration.
Japan national IGF was established in 2016. Its main goal is to create a unique place for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss the issues related to Internet governance.
National IGF of Lebanon was established in 2017. Its core objective is to develop a multistakeholder process for their respective community to address matters pertaining to the Internet governance.
National IGF of Nepal was established in 2017. Nepal IGF Declaration indicates that the main objective of this IGF is to promote and encourage open and inclusive dialogue and exchange of ideas among all stakeholders involved with Internet governance related issues.
National IGF of China was recognized in 2019.
The Internet Governance Forum Afghanistan (IGFA) was established in 2017. It aims at addressing issues of relevance for the respective community of Afghanistan. It brings diverse stakeholders under a single platform to discuss challenges and propose solutions.
Bangladesh national IGF started its work in 2006 and received official recognition in 2016. It provides a domestic independent forum in Bangladesh aiming to engage different stakeholder groups into the discussion on Internet governance. It helps to create partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that demonstrate best practices and help move policy forward.