IGF2021 received Networking Session proposals

Below is the list of Networking session proposals, received in a response to the IGF 2021 call for sessions. These proposals were cleared against the basic entry criteria of the IGF and are currently under detailed evaluation for possible inclusion in the IGF 2021 programme. It is expected that the final list of all accepted sessions will be announced shortly after the 2nd IGF 2021 Open Consultations and MAG Meeting, 22-23 and 30 June.
ID Organization Title Note

Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety (DC-ISSS)
DC-ISSS chairs and coordinators: Ms. Janice Richardson, Insight SA, civil society, Australia Mr. Raymond Mamattah, EGIGFA, education, Nigeria Ms. Mallory Knodel, Center for Democracy & Technology, civil society, United States Mr. Yurii Kargapolov, Ukrainian Numbering, Naming and Addressing Operation Center, technical community, Ukraine Ms. Lim, May Ann, Public Policy Analyst, private sector, Singapore Mr. Gustavo Ortega, Senior Security Engineer, private sector, Costa Rica Mr. Wout de Natris, Coordinator DC-ISSS, Private sector, The Netherlands, moderator Mr. Mark Carvell, senior policy DC-ISSS, private sector, U.K., Rapporteur

IGF 2021 Networking #16 Supporting the Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security an Safety

IGF Support Associations (IGFSA)
Markus Kummer, IGFSA Chair Jennifer Chung, IGFSA Secretary

IGF 2021 Networking #36 IGFSA General Assembly

Seretariat of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) in cooperation with
EuroDIG Members, Partners and Focal Points which contributed to the 2021 EuroDIG Programme in June 2021.

IGF 2021 Networking #57 European Stakeholder Dialogue

Open Internet for Democracy Initiative
Daniel O'Maley, Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA), Civil Society, WEOG Morgan Frost, Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Civil Society, WEOG Sarah Moulton, National Democratic Institute (NDI), Civil Society, WEOG

IGF 2021 Networking #73 Connecting Democracy and Internet Governance Advocates

CNRS Centre Internet et Société, Internet Governance and regulation research group
Francesca Musiani, CNRS (WEOG) Lucien Castex, Afnic, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (WEOG) Clément Pérarnaud, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona (WEOG)

IGF 2021 Networking #82 Networking session: Researching Internet Governance

EUI School of Transnational Governance
European University Institute – School of Transnational Governance CEPS – Center for European Policy Studies European Commission University of Lucerne MetaLAB (at) Harvard OECD – Trento Centre for Local Development Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) (tbc) Stanford Peace Innovation Lab (tbc) Oxford Internet Institute (tbc)

IGF 2021 Networking #93 Global PeaceTech: how can good governance help societies avoid risks and exploit the potential of digital technologies?