[Parliamentary Roundtable in the IGF plenary] A powerful collective force for change: Parliamentarians for a prosperous global digital future


Global digital cooperation is increasingly important in our interconnected world, where digital technologies have become integral to nearly every aspect of life. International collaboration among parliaments is equally important, as digitalization continues to expand across borders, impacting citizens globally. The establishment of cooperative frameworks would ensure that the benefits of digital advancements are widely shared while addressing the challenges they pose.

[Parliamentary Session 7] Building parliamentary capacity to effectively shape the digital realm


By this time, the discussions at the Parliamentary Track will have drawn out the priority areas for parliaments to focus on. This session will go further into the “how”. What do parliaments and parliamentarians need in order to play a full role in shaping digital policies? How to build capacity in parliaments to take action on the priority issues?

[Parliamentary Session 5] Collaborative approaches to address online harms


In today’s hyperconnected world, users are confronted with risks when relying on the Internet’s applications. Indeed, the features that make the Internet powerful can also lead to online harms that impact societies, particularly vulnerable and marginalized groups. Members of parliament have been given the delicate responsibility of developing effective legislation that enhances safety online, while balancing innovation and risks in the digital space.

[Parliamentary Session 4] Fostering Inclusive Digital Innovation and Transformation


Digital transformation offers a wide range of benefits, driving innovation, growth and access to global markets and education. However, the accelerated development and integration of digital technologies across societies risk exacerbating inequalities and infringing on rights. It is vital to ensure that opportunities arising from the digital transformation journey, starting with technological innovation, are accessible to all, including to marginalized and disadvantaged groups.

[Parliamentary Session 3] Researching at the frontier: Insights from the private sector in developing large-scale AI systems


Innovation is a crucial element of societal development. As the core driver for modern existence, it addresses social needs and resolves collective problems, by contributing, among others, to economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction. Innovation can, however, disrupt markets. With the rapid development and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially generative AI, societies are confronted with new risks and challenges.

[Parliamentary Session 2] What are parliamentary priorities in the digital sphere today? An open exchange.


The Internet Governance Forum is a year-round process that has a network of over 170 National and Regional IGF initiatives. These initiatives involve local actors, including Members of Parliament. In 2024, regional Parliamentary Tracks were organized in Africa, in Central Asia and in Latin America and the Caribbean.

[Keynote Address] How to navigate an era of digital transformation: A dialogue on global cooperation


As the world must prepare for an inclusive, risk-free and sustainable digital transformation, navigating the digital transformation journey requires a strategic approach that encompasses an understanding of evolving trends and technology adoption while mitigating risks arising from these rapid changes. By facing this particularly disruptive period in human history, members of parliaments can ensure with a collaborative mindset that the transformation journey is inclusive, rights-respecting, sustainable and ethical. 
