IGF 2013
Online MAG meetings summaries:
Summary of online MAG meeting, of 18 December 2013.
Summary of Informal Online Meeting, 3 December 2013
The MAG held a first stock-taking meeting on 5 November. A summary record of the virtual meeting is available.
All stakeholders are encouraged to to assist the IGF self-evaluating itself and improving each year. To this effect, they are called on to fill in the overall evaluation survey as well as the workshop evaluation form.
The IGF 2013 annual meeting in Bali, Indonesia concluded on 25th October.
IGF2013 Narrative and Financial Report by the ID-IGF.
The Chair's summary of the Eighth Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum is available here.
Press statements and press releases are available.
IGF 2013 main session and workshop transcripts are being uploaded.
The video files of the main sessions and workshops are available on the IGF's YouTube channel.
Pictures taken are being added to the IGF Flickr group, others are encouraged to join.
A provisional list of participants of the IGF2013 meeting is available.
The list of speakers for the Opening Ceremony/Opening Session and Closing Ceremony are available with bios.
The schedule is available in Excel, HTML and PDF.
The Seventh Internet Governance book - Internet Governance for Sustainable Human, Economic and Social Development - is now available.
National and Regional IGF initiatives
All organisers of national and regional IGF initiatives are kindly requested to respond to this survey
Public Input
The IGF Secretariat made a call for relevant policy questions to shape the discussions. The policy questions as a result of that request for input are now available
Remote participation:The links to the virtual rooms for each session and the transcripts are available for viewing.
The Seventh Internet Governance book - Internet Governance for Sustainable Human, Economic and Social Development - is now available.
Interim Chair
Under-Secretary-General Wu Hongbo has appointed Mr. Markus Kummer as Interim Chair of the Open Consultations and MAG meetings. [PDF]
A synthesis paper reflecting all inputs received by the Secretariat is available.
Under-Secretary-General Wu Hongbo has issued an official invitation.
All participants to the IGF 2013 workshops are encouraged to fill out the workshop evaluation form to assist the IGF self-evaluating itself and improving each year by ensuring that all workshops are of the highest quality.
Workshop Evaluation
A provisional list of participants of the IGF2013 meeting is available.