Warren, Jennifer A.
Ms. Jennifer Warren is the senior director of Lockheed Martin Corporation's Government & Regulatory Affairs, where she is responsible for the management of the corporate Technology Policy portfolio, which includes corporate…
Taylor, Emily
Oxford, United Kingdom - Consultant
Taylor Emily is an Internet law and governance consultant, providing advice to domain name registries and other clients in connection with the new gTLD evaluation process. She is a director of…
Tang, Zicai
Beijing, China - Deputy Director, Department of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Information Industry (MII)Mr. Zicai Tang serves as the deputy director in the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Information Industry (MII) of…
New Delhi, India – Joint Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Communications and Information technology, Department of Information TechnologyMr. Shanker's current responsibilities include policy planning on e-infrastructure, e-learning and…
Graciela Selaimen is a journalist, specialized in Local Development with a Gender Perspective and with a Masters in Communications an Culture. Graciela has participated actively in the WSIS process, and, as a founding member of the CRIS Campaign,…
Mr. Seadat, PeimanTehran, Iran – Deputy Director for International Specialized Agencies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
London, United Kingdom - Director, Global News Division, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC); Vice President, European Broadcasting Union (EBU)Mr. Richard Sambrook is the director of the BBC's Global News division, where he is responsible for…
Bienne, Switzerland - Deputy Director, Head of International Relations Service at the Federal Office of Communications
Mr. Nii Quaynor served as a member of the ICANN Advisory Committee in 1998 and 1999. He is a member of the Council of the University of Ghana, the Ghana Frequency Registration and Control Board, and a member of the Board of the Ghana News Agency. Mr…
Johannesburg, South Africa – National ICT Policy Advocacy Coordinator, Association for Progressive Communications (APC)Ms. Natasha Primo is a gender and ICT specialist for development and social justice based in Johannesburg. Currently, she is…
Santiago, Chile - Head of International Affairs Department, Undersecretariat of Telecommunications
Delft, The Netherlands - Senior Research Fellow, Delft University of TechnologyMs. Youn Jung Park holds a Ph.D in Information, Science and Technology. She is a specialist in Internet infrastructures including Internet addresses. She works as a…
Athens, Greece – Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations Office at GenevaDr. George Papadatos directed the inaugural meeting of the IGF Athens in 2006, and he participated in the preparation for the World Population…
Jakarta, Indonesia - Senior Adviser, Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia for International Relations and Digital Divide
Vilnius, Lithuania - Director of the Information Society Development Committee