IGF 2022 Workshop at West African IGF
Capacity development workshop hosted by the IGF Secretariat
Towards an inclusive IGF 2022
26 May 2022 | 10:00-11:00 UTC | Room 2 and online
Join through this link https://sched.co/11lfa
After a decade, the IGF is back in Africa! What are the opportunities for stakeholders from the region and beyond? This interactive session will provide a space for a dialogue to learn what is new, and how to engage in IGF 2022. It will also be an opportunity to help us improve further the IGF 2022 by learning from your expectations and ideas.
The 17th annual IGF meeting will be hosted by the Government of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa from 28 November until 2 December 2022 under the overarching theme Resilient Internet for a shared sustainable and common future. The entire process will be hosted in a hybrid format, to ensure equal-as-possible participation of online and onsite participants.
Thematically, the IGF is aligned with the topics of the Global Digital Compact from the Our Common Agenda Report. What does this mean for the IGF and how all people can contribute to the shaping of this process through the IGF?
The IGF is more out there, closer to people. This is why the intersessional working modalities are also advancing and many capacity development activities are being introduced. What are ways to engage in this year’s IGF 2022 intersessional work focused on cybersecurity, gender and access, Internet fragmentation and meaningful access? How do we engage those historically unrepresented stakeholders to ensure Internet governance processes are present in all corners of the world?
This session will allow participants to learn more about IGF innovations and how to effectively engage in the IGF 2022 processes.
Format and agenda
This roundtable dialogue will focus on the following areas:
- Welcome and introductions from the IGF Secretariat
- What’s new about IGF 2022 and how to be part of it? Brief overview - followed by Q&A
- Engaging in IGF 2022 intersessional work and NRIs: overview of best practice forums, policy networks, dynamic coalitions - followed by Q&A
- Next activities and conclusion
Further reading
Kenya Youth IGF
The Kenya Youth IGF seeks to bring together young people around the country and foster their engagement in Internet governance.
BPF Cybersecurity
The Best Practice Forum Cybersecurity is invited all interested in this year's work to BPF Cybersecurity kickoff call.
The second planning meeting of the Policy Network on Meaningful Access will be hosted online on 23 May 2022 at 14:00 UTC. The main objective is to endorse the two co-chairs.
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